
generates a dependency graph for a go or php project

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godepg generates a dependency graph for a go or php project using graphviz. A dependency graph generated by godepg using a config looks like the following: godepg dep graph

Currently, the following technologies are supported:

  • go
  • php (composer)
  • php (psr4)


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Generate graphs
  5. Examples
  6. Print dependencies


In order to generate graphs you have to install graphviz


go get github.com/windler/godepg

Make sure that your $GOROOT is set and is present in your path

export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin


For each language there is a subcommand. Type godepg <language> -h to see a list of available options.


godepg go -h
   -o file, --output file         destination file to write png to
   -p package, --package package  the package to analyze
   -n, --no-go-packages           hide gos buildin packages
   -d value, --depth value        limit the depth of the graph (default: -1)
   -f value, --filter value       filter package name
   -m, --my-packages-only         show only subpackages of scanned package
   -i package, --info package     shows the dependencies for a package
   --inverse                      shows all packages that depend on the package rather than its dependencies
   --format value                 formats the dependencies output (--info)

PHP (composer)

godepg php-composer -h
   -o file, --output file         destination file to write png to
   -p project, --project project  the project to analyze
   -f value, --filter value       filter project name
   -s value, --stop-at value      dont scan dependencies of package name (pattern)
   -d value, --depth value        limit the depth of the graph (default: -1)

PHP (psr4)

godepg php-psr4 -h
   -o file     destination file to write png to
   -p project  the project to analyze
   -f value    filter project name
   -s value    dont scan dependencies of package name (pattern)
   -d value    limit the depth of the graph (default: -1)
   -e value    exclude folder

Generate graphs

All graphs are written to ~/godepg/<pkg>_timestamp.png if option -o is not present. You can change the home directory by setting the env GODEPG_HOME.

Generate Graphs using yaml file

When no language subcommand is specified, godepg will try to read a config file named godepg.yml to generate a dependy graph. You can also specify the config file with the option --file. Following, there is a sample config file:

language: php-composer
output: /home/windler/projects/sample/deps.png
- laravel
- php
- tinker
depth: 3

Styling graphs using config

If you are using a config file you can also apply any dot attributes to style your graph. Example:

language: php-composer
output: /home/windler/projects/sample/deps.png
- php
depth: 3
    arrowhead: open
    color: white
    fontcolor: white
    splines: curved
    arrowhead: vee
    fontname: Courier
    style: dashed
  fillcolor: "#336699" 
  style: filled
  fontcolor: white
  fontname: Courier
  shape: rectangle
  bgcolor: "#333333"

After creating a config file, you can always update your current dependy graph using

cd /home/windler/projects/sample


godepg --file /home/windler/projects/sample/godepg.yml

Available attributes

Attribute Type Language Description
language string all the language to use
filter array all filters node names (hide)
depth int all max depth of the graph
output string all output file of the png (and dot file)
edgestylepattern map string -> (map string -> string) all apply dot attributes to edges. The first map key is a pattern on which nodes the attributes should be applied. If all nodes should be applied use "".
edgestyle map string -> string all apply edge attributes
nodestyle map string -> string all apply node attributes
graphstyle map string -> string all apply graph attributes
project string php the project the use (relative to wd)
exclude array php folders to ignore
stopat array php print node but dont scan/print dependencies
package string go package name to scan
nogopackages bool go hide go packges in graph
mypackagesonly bool go only show subpackages of the scanned package


Following, you can find sample outputs.


Samples for the ws package package.

Without go internal packages and specific output file

godepg go -p github.com/windler/ws -o ~/ws_package.png -n


cd /user/windler/go/src/github.com/windler/ws
godepg go -p . -o ~/ws_package.png -n

ws no go packages

Only sub packages

godepg go -p github.com/windler/ws -m

ws only sub

Without go internal packages and custom filter

godepg go -p github.com/windler/ws -n -f=ui -f=/git

ws custom filter


Samples for a fresh Laravel installation called sample.

Dont show laravels dependencies

godepg php-composer -p /home/windler/projects/sample -s=laravel

rpi no laravel

Hide symfony dependecies

godepg php-composer -p /home/windler/projects/sample -f=symfony

rpi no laravel

Print dependencies (GO only)

You can also just print information about the dependencies of a package by using option -i:

godepg go -p github.com/windler/ws -i github.com/windler/ws/app/config
There are 7 dependencies for package github.com/windler/ws/app/config:

0: github.com/windler/ws/app/commands
1: gopkg.in/yaml.v2
2: io/ioutil
3: log
4: os
5: os/user
6: strings

Get Dependents

If you would like to see a list of packages that depend on a specific package, just add the --inverse option:

godepg go -p github.com/windler/ws -i github.com/windler/ws/app/config --inverse
There are 1 dependents for package github.com/windler/ws/app/config:

0: github.com/windler/ws

Modify output

You can modify the output by passing a template using --format:

godepg go -p github.com/windler/ws -i github.com/windler/ws --format "Deps: {{.Count}}"
Deps: 5

You can use the following fields:

Field Description
Package The name of the scanned package
Count Number of found dependencies
Dependencies Array of packages
DependencyType Type of the dependencies (dependency or dependent)