
Code example to trigger unknown reason seg fault when using ffi to call wework chat data

Primary LanguageC++

Compile cpp demo from wechat work to tool executable

g++ -ldl tool_testSdk.cpp -o tool

Compile test.cpp to test executable

g++ -ldl test.cpp -o test

Compile mylibrary.so from mylibrary.cpp

g++ -shared -fpic -Wall -g mylibrary.cpp -o mylibrary.so

Run wechat work cpp demo to get chat data from server

./tool 1 0 10


When use nodejs with ffi to call .so function, there will be random segmentation fault, however, using cpp call .so is okay. Like below:

nodejs -> ffi -> WeWorkFinanceSdk_C.so                   // Random Segmentation fault
cpp -> WeWorkFinanceSdk_C.so                             // OK

nodejs -> ffi -> mylibrary.so -> WeWorkFinanceSdk_C.so   // Random Segmentation fault
cpp -> mylibrary.so -> WeWorkFinanceSdk_C.so             // OK

So we know there must be something wrong with nodejs -> ffi -> *.so, but I haven't figured out. Create this repo for record purpose. Hope I can resolve this in the future.