- 4
ThirdTube Not Playing Most Videos
#201 opened by 0529Cb1 - 16
ffmeg 0xfffffffa on all attempts to play a video. (Summary Post)
#217 opened by TheDarknessSurroundsYou - 1
All videos return ffmeg 0xfffffffa error code
#216 opened by 1kz - 1
#223 opened by 20852189209198131544518 - 1
ffmpeg error
#225 opened by SuperLavaHair1 - 57
#214 opened by Janter1603 - 5
- 0
Can Someone Use The Invidious API?
#227 opened by Janter1603 - 0
if yall are gonna post about the ffmpeg error, include the word "cheeseball" its gonna help see how common it is.
#226 opened by saedyabd - 0
Crash when starting
#224 opened by jacobh12349 - 2
Dead end?
#222 opened by LeFunniHax - 0
- 2
Dead Repo 💀
#220 opened by CoolCoderGuy - 0
im getting an error code 0xfffffffa
#219 opened by Withermasterpro - 0
Getting error code 0xfffffffa
#218 opened by UserNameNullNotfound - 1
#215 opened by kousakukinako - 4
Ffmpeg error has returned
#212 opened by 5GBurrito - 3
240p lags on old 3ds
#205 opened by ctrlaltdel-html - 1
just rashes after 10 seconds of a video
#199 opened by FATGODY1 - 1
Thirdtube video player issue
#190 opened by GPGP8 - 2
Poor performance after recent update
#213 opened by 5GBurrito - 0
Crashing issue
#211 opened by 5GBurrito - 0
doesnt play any videos with copyrighted music
#210 opened by unown-Coder - 3
Newest update crashes
#196 opened by MeleeGamer - 0
thirdtube crashing every 2 minutes
#207 opened by gabe2126 - 0
- 1
- 1
Third Tube Crashing
#206 opened by Max6494 - 0
ThirdTube crashing frequently
#204 opened by Void2754 - 0
すべてのビデオで ffmpeg が失敗します (-1094995529)
#203 opened by okca4545 - 0
3DS crashes during a video
#202 opened by FrrenchGitHUB - 1
Recent build causes crash when opening videos
#189 opened by brainwo - 0
#193 opened by furax124 - 2
#197 opened by makaroonie - 2
Videos don't load.
#181 opened by 6ell - 0
0.5.4 Crash
#200 opened by OxygenL602 - 1
- 0
Scary bug regarding the video glitching out
#198 opened by RecoGamer - 4
Does it crashes for anyone else
#194 opened by shadow8493 - 0
.3dsx Version Crashes To Homescreen When Loading Video Or Loading New Videos
#195 opened by SeaborneProto - 2
Channels are blank and wont load
#187 opened by Elealazar - 2
thirdtube not working
#191 opened by gabe2126 - 1
There's this error again in the new 3ds
#188 opened by shadow8493 - 1
Loading and Subscription Problems !
#186 opened by jeuularana - 1
Connection Kicks Out in random places
#185 opened by BioDev28 - 0
Video on channels
#184 opened by shadow8493 - 2
Copyrighted videos gives ffmpeg errors..
#182 opened by jeuularana - 2
Error in most music videos
#180 opened by aridsian3000 - 5
- 2
Please support setting proxy in the app.
#177 opened by jiekai114