
Running django quickstart guide in Python 3 docker conatiner

Primary LanguagePython


Running django quickstart guide in Python 3 docker conatiner,

The tutorial url: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/quickstart/

To run this project:

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Build docker image:

docker build -t django-tutorial . 
  1. Run docker container and start to working on it:
docker run --rm --name django-rest-tutorial -v `pwd`/tutorial:/tutorial -p 80:8000 -i -t django-tutorial bash
  1. Run db migrate to generate sqlite3 db file:
python manage.py migrate
  1. Create admin user:
python manage.py createsuperuser

just enter any ID/PW you want.

  1. Start dev server:
python ./manage.py runserver

Then use browser to http://localhost/users/