This project is a practice for flutter widgets.
1. Path Provider (with Drawer)
- Read & store local file by using path provider.
2. Layout Widgets (with PageView)
3. Scrollable Widgets (with BottomNavigationBar)
- SingleChildScrollView
- ListView with loadable functionality (with Snackbar)
- GridView with scrollController
- Sliver widgets (CustomScrollView, SliverAppBar, SliverPadding, SliverGrid, SliverFixedExtentList)
- Animation (AnimationController, CurvedAnimation, Tween, ...)
- AnimatedWidget
- Navigator transition
- Hero Animation
- StaggerAnimation
- Guillotine Animation
- UX Animation
- Fancy Login Animation
- Custom GradientButton
- Custom RotatedBox with Animation
- Paint a GO board
- Custom GradientCircularProgressIndicator
7. Network (with Dialogs)
- Request http by using HttpClient
- Using Dio
- WebSocket
- Convert Json to DartModel (Json2Dart plugin)
- Parse JsonObject and JsonArray (tricky)