
A weak-supervised learning based biomedical paper classification algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


In collaboration with the Clinical Genomic Resource (ClinGen), the flagship NIH program for clinical curation---we propose the first machine learning system, LitGen, that can retrieve papers for a particular variant and filter them by specific evidence types used by curators to assess for pathogenicity. LitGen uses semi-supervised deep learning to predict the type of evidence provided by each paper. It is trained on papers annotated by ClinGen curators and systematically evaluated on new test data collected by ClinGen. LitGen further leverages rich human explanations and unlabeled data to gain 7.9%-12.6% relative performance improvement over models learned only on the annotated papers.

You can find our paper here: LitGen: Genetic Literature Recommendation Guided by Human Explanations


All our data are public and contain no private information.

Our raw data, extracted directly from the ClinGen Variant Curation Interface (VCI) is in ./corpus/ folder. The date ML Data (as of 3_17_19).csv indicates date of extraction. We use the papers contained in earlier date as training dataset, and new papers added to the later date as our evaluation (test).

We are currently talking to ClinGen VCI team to release a public API, but if not, we will consider releasing data annually or semi-annually.

You can produce the test dataset like this:

from data.clingen_raw_to_training import DatasetExtractor

old = DatasetExtractor("../corpus/ML Data (as of 3_17_19).csv")
new = DatasetExtractor("../corpus/ML Data (as of 5_1_19).csv")
de = new - old


data, _ = de.generate_pmid_panel_set(log=True)

de.write_data_to_csv(data, "../models/data/vci_358_abs_tit_key_may_7_2019_true_test.csv")

The DatasetExtractor will actually download paper information using Entrez.

We also uploaded our partition to ./models/data/, you can find it under:


And our out-of-distribution hold-out test set is:


Weak Supervision Labels

We conducted various noisy-labeling techniques in our paper. We mostly focus on leveraging information from human explanations to generate weak labels. We provided these weak labels in ./models/data/ as well!

Strategy Avg Accu EM Weighted F1
BiLSTM 82.6 45.2 62.7
BiLSTM + Naive Exp 83.8 48.7 66.5
BiLSTM + Naive Unlabeled 83.9 50.1 65.7
BiLSTM + Naive Exp + Naive Unlabeled 82.9 48.4 66.4
BiLSTM + Exp-guided Snorkel 84.0 50.1 66.8
LitGen: BiLSTM + Exp-guided Unlabeled 85.0 51.6 68.1

BiLSTM training command:

python3.6 train.py --exp_path ./saved/bilstm/  --epochs 5

BiLSTM + Naive Exp training command:

(We also refer to this as "MTL" -- multi-task learning. We experimented with a few architectures and settled with seperate prediction head).

python3.6 train.py --exp_path ./saved/multi_task_exp_train_on_vci_no_share_decoder_aug5_2019_run3/ --epochs 5 --multi_task_data_path ./data/explanations_5panels_shuffled.csv

BiLSTM + Naive Unlabeled training command:

Here we use a Random Forest to generate noisy labels for unlabeled dataset.

python3.6 train.py --exp_path ./saved/weak_litvar3827_rf_cotrain_on_vci_aug5/  --weak_data_path ./data/litvar_3827_abs_tit_key_may_31_2019_random_forest_cotrain_on_vci.csv --weak_vocab --weak_loss_scale 0.3 --epochs 5

BiLSTM + Naive Exp + Naive Unlabeled training command:

python3.6 train.py --exp_path ./saved/multi_task_exp_weak_litvar3827_rf_cotrain_on_vci_aug5/  --weak_data_path ./data/litvar_3827_abs_tit_key_may_31_2019_random_forest_cotrain_on_vci.csv --weak_vocab --weak_loss_scale 0.3 --epochs 5 --mtl_loss_scale 0.3 --multi_task_data_path ./data/explanations_5panels_shuffled.csv --mtl_first

BiLSTM + Exp-guided Snorkel

(Snorkel-MeTal Using Lasso features based labeling functions)

python3.6 train.py --exp_path ./saved/weak_litvar3827_metal_on_explanations_may31_2019/  --weak_data_path ./data/litvar_3827_abs_tit_key_may_31_2019_metal_on_explanations.csv --weak_vocab --weak_loss_scale 0.3 --epochs 5

LitGen: BiLSTM + Exp-guided Unlabeled

(Random Forest using Lasso features)

python3.6 train.py --exp_path ./saved/weak_litvar3827_rf_tuned_on_vci_aug5_2019/  --weak_data_path ./data/litvar_3827_abs_tit_key_may_31_2019_random_forest_tuned_on_vci.csv --weak_vocab --weak_loss_scale 0.3 --epochs 5

Lasso Features

We use sklearn Lasso model and directly predict labels using explanations. We do not provide our Lasso model, but we do provide the keyword with non-zero coefficients as well as their coefficients.

You can find it in this file: explanation_L1_predict_panels_v3.csv.

Contact Info

You can reach out to the first aruthor anie@stanford.edu for inquiry on the dataset or model!


Warning, you need to use torchtext==0.2.3 in order to run successfully.