This library helps you to compose AWS CloudFormation templates with C#.
It supports ALL resources available in AWS CloudFormation templates.
Supports Intrinsic Functions.
All properties are strong typed. No open dynamic or object types. Allowed property types validated in compile time.
Based on official AWS CloudFormation templates specification.
This is a sample of Comformation library usage.
The generated template plays arround mappings, input and output parameters.
The template creates S3 bucket whose name generated using combination of several intrinsic functions.
For a full code sample see CreateStackTest.cs
Install Nuget package
Install-Package Comformation
var template = new Template
Description = "Test comformation",
Parameters = new Parameters
new Parameter
LogicalId = "Param1",
Type = ParameterType.String,
Default = "Value1",
Description = "Parameter 1",
new Parameter
LogicalId = "Param2",
Type = ParameterType.Number,
AllowedValues = new object [] { 1, 2 },
Description = "Parameter 2",
Resources = new Resources
new BucketResource
LogicalId = "MyBucket",
Properties =
// resource name build using intrinsic functions and based on input parameters and mapping
BucketName = Fn.Sub($"test-bucket-${{sufix}}-{Guid.NewGuid()}",
new Sub.Item("sufix", Fn.FindInMap("BucketSufix", Fn.Ref(PseudoParameter.Region), Fn.Ref("Param2")))),
Tags = new List<Tag>
new Tag
Key = "Project", Value = "Comformation"
Mappings = new Mappings
new Mapping
Name = "BucketSufix",
Regions =
new RegionMap
Region = RegionEndpoint.EUWest1,
Map = { { "1", "ireland-1" }, {"2", "ireland-2"} }
new RegionMap
Region = RegionEndpoint.EUWest2,
Map = { { "1", "london-1" }, { "2", "london-2"} }
Outputs = new Outputs
// output based on input parameter
new Output
Description = "Input Parameter 1",
LogicalId = "Input1",
Value = Fn.Ref("Param1")
// output based on input parameter
new Output
Description = "Input Parameter 2",
LogicalId = "Input2",
Value = Fn.Ref("Param2")
// output based on pseudo parameter - region where stack run
new Output
LogicalId = "Region",
Description = "Region",
Value = Fn.Ref(PseudoParameter.Region)
// output based on pseudo parameter - created stack id
new Output
LogicalId = "StackId",
Description = "Stack Id",
Value = Fn.Ref(PseudoParameter.StackId)
// output based on pseudo parameter - created stack name
new Output
LogicalId = "StackName",
Description = "Stack Name",
Value = Fn.Ref(PseudoParameter.StackName)
// output based on created resource
new Output
LogicalId = "CreatedBucket",
Description = "Name of created bucket",
Value = Fn.Ref("MyBucket")
// output based on input param and mapping
new Output
LogicalId = "Sufix",
Description = "Bucket name sufix",
Value = Fn.FindInMap("BucketSufix", Fn.Ref(PseudoParameter.Region), Fn.Ref("Param2"))
var request = new CreateStackRequest
StackName = "ComformationTestSimpleTemplate",
TemplateBody = template.ToString(),
Parameters = new List<Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter>
new Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter
ParameterKey = "Param2",
ParameterValue = "2"
// Create stack
var cloudformation = new AmazonCloudFormationClient(RegionEndpoint.EUWest1);
var createResponse = await cloudformation.CreateStackAsync(request);