
An updated WINE library/driver allowing Windows music apps to use ASIO fast audio routed thru JACK or JACK2 on Linux

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


Lossless/skipless FL Studio audio piped through JACK on Linux with Wine. Other Windoze audio programs that make use of ASIO should work as well.

Installation for FL Studio 20

Install Wine, JACK, and qjackctl

(Per your Linux distribution.)

Install the WineASIO driver

$ git clone https://github.com/wineasio/wineasio
$ cd wineasio
$ make
# make install
$ export WINEARCH=win64
$ wine64 regsvr32 wineasio.dll

make install assumes Arch Linux. Adjust the Makefile to specify the directory of your system-wide Wine libraries if necessary.

Configure Wine to emulate Windows 10

$ wine64 regedit setwin10.reg

Install FL Studio

$ wine64 ~/path/to/flstudio-20-win-installer.exe

You can download a free demo of FL Studio at https://www.image-line.com. All components are enabled except Save.

PAM tweaks for real-time/low-latency

  • Create an audio group (if it does not already exist):
# groupadd audio
  • Add yourself to the audio group:
# usermod -a -G audio yourUserID
  • Add to /etc/security/limits.conf:
@audio		-	rtprio		99
@audio		-	memlock		unlimited
  • Logout and login again.

Running FL Studio

Start Jack with qjackctl

$ qjackctl
  • Set the samplerate to 44,100 Hz.
  • Set the frames/period to 2,048 and periods/buffer to 4 to begin with, and adjust up or down as required.
  • Start the JACK server with qjackctl. Check for errors in the Messages/Status window. Be sure JACK is running in real-time mode.

Start FL Studio

$ wine64 ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Image-Line/FL\ Studio\ 20/FL64.exe 2>&1 | tee /dev/null

(The somewhat bizarre tee is necessary to prevent Wine from blocking indefinitely on start-up. If anyone knows why this is the case, kindly let me know.)

Within FL Studio

  • On the main menu, click Options | Audio settings... and set Device to WineASIO.
  • Observe the JACK graph in qjackctl. Eight (8) inputs and eight (8) outputs will be created and connected.

Play the demo song, then dig in! :)