
Vue 3 Whiteboard component

Primary LanguageVue


Built using Vue 3, based upon the fantastic ng-whiteboard

This library has no styles. It simply acts as a wrapper for the basic whiteboard functionality.

vue-whiteboard in action

Lightweight Vue whiteboard


  • Supports touch.
  • Custom colors.
  • Custom background colors.
  • Custom stroke size.
  • Export as PNG
  • Undo & Redo


  1. Install npm module:
npm i @beauagst/vue-whiteboard
  1. Add the module to your project
import VueWhiteboard from 'vue-whiteboard'

export default {
  components: {
  1. Insert the Whiteboard Component element into your template.
  <vue-whiteboard />


Input Type Default Required Description
color string #000000 false Set brush color
backgroundColor string #ffffff false Set whiteboard background color
size string 5px false Set brush size
linejoin string round false Define the shape of two lines when joined together ('miter' , 'round' , 'bevel' , 'miter-clip' , 'arcs')
linecap string round false Define start and end shape of line ('butt', 'square', 'round')
lineStyles Object {} false Any extra line styles you'd like to apply. Will be inlined with the rest.


Name Description Payload
init On component initialization d3 Selection
undo On undo last line undefined
redo On repaint last line undefined
save On save undefined
clear On clear undefined
dragstart Once dragging starts within SVG { coordinates: [X, Y], node: Path }
drag Continuing dragging { coordinates: [X, Y], node: Path }
dragend Once dragging has ended { coordinates: [X, Y], node: Path }


Methods can be accessed from the component.

  <vue-whiteboard ref="whiteboard" />
export default {
  methods: {
    save() {
      const res = await this.$refs.whiteboard.save()
Name Description
undo Undo last line
redo Repaint last line
save Return base64-formatted PNG of whiteboard
clear Clear the whiteboard


The project is open for contributors! Please file an issue or make a PR :)