This spec is mainly for testing Petstore server and contains fake endpoints, models. Please do not use this for any other purpose. Special characters: " \
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import petstore_api
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import petstore_api
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import datetime
import time
import petstore_api
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = petstore_api.Configuration(
host = ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with petstore_api.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = petstore_api.AnotherFakeApi(api_client)
client = petstore_api.Client() # Client | client model
# To test special tags
api_response = api_instance.call_123_test_special_tags(client)
print("The response of AnotherFakeApi->call_123_test_special_tags:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AnotherFakeApi->call_123_test_special_tags: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnotherFakeApi | call_123_test_special_tags | PATCH /another-fake/dummy | To test special tags |
DefaultApi | foo_get | GET /foo | |
FakeApi | fake_any_type_request_body | POST /fake/any_type_body | test any type request body |
FakeApi | fake_enum_ref_query_parameter | GET /fake/enum_ref_query_parameter | test enum reference query parameter |
FakeApi | fake_health_get | GET /fake/health | Health check endpoint |
FakeApi | fake_http_signature_test | GET /fake/http-signature-test | test http signature authentication |
FakeApi | fake_outer_boolean_serialize | POST /fake/outer/boolean | |
FakeApi | fake_outer_composite_serialize | POST /fake/outer/composite | |
FakeApi | fake_outer_number_serialize | POST /fake/outer/number | |
FakeApi | fake_outer_string_serialize | POST /fake/outer/string | |
FakeApi | fake_property_enum_integer_serialize | POST /fake/property/enum-int | |
FakeApi | fake_return_list_of_objects | GET /fake/return_list_of_object | test returning list of objects |
FakeApi | fake_uuid_example | GET /fake/uuid_example | test uuid example |
FakeApi | test_body_with_binary | PUT /fake/body-with-binary | |
FakeApi | test_body_with_file_schema | PUT /fake/body-with-file-schema | |
FakeApi | test_body_with_query_params | PUT /fake/body-with-query-params | |
FakeApi | test_client_model | PATCH /fake | To test "client" model |
FakeApi | test_date_time_query_parameter | PUT /fake/date-time-query-params | |
FakeApi | test_endpoint_parameters | POST /fake | Fake endpoint for testing various parameters 假端點 偽のエンドポイント 가짜 엔드 포인트 |
FakeApi | test_group_parameters | DELETE /fake | Fake endpoint to test group parameters (optional) |
FakeApi | test_inline_additional_properties | POST /fake/inline-additionalProperties | test inline additionalProperties |
FakeApi | test_json_form_data | GET /fake/jsonFormData | test json serialization of form data |
FakeApi | test_query_parameter_collection_format | PUT /fake/test-query-parameters | |
FakeClassnameTags123Api | test_classname | PATCH /fake_classname_test | To test class name in snake case |
PetApi | add_pet | POST /pet | Add a new pet to the store |
PetApi | delete_pet | DELETE /pet/{petId} | Deletes a pet |
PetApi | find_pets_by_status | GET /pet/findByStatus | Finds Pets by status |
PetApi | find_pets_by_tags | GET /pet/findByTags | Finds Pets by tags |
PetApi | get_pet_by_id | GET /pet/{petId} | Find pet by ID |
PetApi | update_pet | PUT /pet | Update an existing pet |
PetApi | update_pet_with_form | POST /pet/{petId} | Updates a pet in the store with form data |
PetApi | upload_file | POST /pet/{petId}/uploadImage | uploads an image |
PetApi | upload_file_with_required_file | POST /fake/{petId}/uploadImageWithRequiredFile | uploads an image (required) |
StoreApi | delete_order | DELETE /store/order/{order_id} | Delete purchase order by ID |
StoreApi | get_inventory | GET /store/inventory | Returns pet inventories by status |
StoreApi | get_order_by_id | GET /store/order/{order_id} | Find purchase order by ID |
StoreApi | place_order | POST /store/order | Place an order for a pet |
UserApi | create_user | POST /user | Create user |
UserApi | create_users_with_array_input | POST /user/createWithArray | Creates list of users with given input array |
UserApi | create_users_with_list_input | POST /user/createWithList | Creates list of users with given input array |
UserApi | delete_user | DELETE /user/{username} | Delete user |
UserApi | get_user_by_name | GET /user/{username} | Get user by user name |
UserApi | login_user | GET /user/login | Logs user into the system |
UserApi | logout_user | GET /user/logout | Logs out current logged in user session |
UserApi | update_user | PUT /user/{username} | Updated user |
- AdditionalPropertiesAnyType
- AdditionalPropertiesClass
- AdditionalPropertiesObject
- AdditionalPropertiesWithDescriptionOnly
- AllOfWithSingleRef
- Animal
- AnyOfColor
- AnyOfPig
- ApiResponse
- ArrayOfArrayOfModel
- ArrayOfArrayOfNumberOnly
- ArrayOfNumberOnly
- ArrayTest
- BasquePig
- Capitalization
- Cat
- Category
- CircularReferenceModel
- ClassModel
- Client
- Color
- Creature
- CreatureInfo
- DanishPig
- DeprecatedObject
- Dog
- DummyModel
- EnumArrays
- EnumClass
- EnumString1
- EnumString2
- EnumTest
- File
- FileSchemaTestClass
- FirstRef
- Foo
- FooGetDefaultResponse
- FormatTest
- HasOnlyReadOnly
- HealthCheckResult
- InnerDictWithProperty
- IntOrString
- List
- MapOfArrayOfModel
- MapTest
- MixedPropertiesAndAdditionalPropertiesClass
- Model200Response
- ModelReturn
- Name
- NullableClass
- NullableProperty
- NumberOnly
- ObjectToTestAdditionalProperties
- ObjectWithDeprecatedFields
- OneOfEnumString
- Order
- OuterComposite
- OuterEnum
- OuterEnumDefaultValue
- OuterEnumInteger
- OuterEnumIntegerDefaultValue
- OuterObjectWithEnumProperty
- Parent
- ParentWithOptionalDict
- Pet
- Pig
- PropertyNameCollision
- ReadOnlyFirst
- SecondRef
- SelfReferenceModel
- SingleRefType
- SpecialCharacterEnum
- SpecialModelName
- SpecialName
- Tag
- Tiger
- User
- WithNestedOneOf
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- write:pets: modify pets in your account
- read:pets: read your pets
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key_query
- Location: URL query string
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
- Type: HTTP signature authentication