
python test

Primary LanguagePython


This spec is mainly for testing Petstore server and contains fake endpoints, models. Please do not use this for any other purpose. Special characters: " \

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonExperimentalClientCodegen


Python >=3.9 v3.9 is needed so one can combine classmethod and property decorators to define object schema properties as classes

Migration from other generators like python and python-experimental


  1. This generator uses spec case for all (object) property names and parameter names.
    • So if the spec has a property name like camelCase, it will use camelCase rather than camel_case
    • So you will need to update how you input and read properties to use spec case
  2. Endpoint parameters are stored in dictionaries to prevent collisions (explanation below)
    • So you will need to update how you pass data in to endpoints
  3. Endpoint responses now include the original response, the deserialized response body, and (todo)the deserialized headers
    • So you will need to update your code to use response.body to access deserialized data
  4. All validated data is instantiated in an instance that subclasses all validated Schema classes and Decimal/str/list/tuple/frozendict/NoneClass/BoolClass/bytes/io.FileIO
    • This means that you can use isinstance to check if a payload validated against a schema class
    • This means that no data will be of type None/True/False
      • ingested None will subclass NoneClass
      • ingested True will subclass BoolClass
      • ingested False will subclass BoolClass
      • So if you need to check is True/False/None, instead use instance.is_true()/.is_false()/.is_none()
  5. All validated class instances are immutable except for ones based on io.File
    • This is because if properties were changed after validation, that validation would no longer apply
    • So no changing values or property values after a class has been instantiated
  6. String + Number types with formats
    • String type data is stored as a string and if you need to access types based on its format like date, date-time, uuid, number etc then you will need to use accessor functions on the instance
    • type string + format: See .as_date, .as_datetime, .as_decimal, .as_uuid
    • type number + format: See .as_float, .as_int
    • this was done because openapi/json-schema defines constraints. string data may be type string with no format keyword in one schema, and include a format constraint in another schema
    • So if you need to access a string format based type, use as_date/as_datetime/as_decimal/as_uuid/
    • So if you need to access a number format based type, use as_int/as_float

Object property spec case

This was done because when payloads are ingested, they can be validated against N number of schemas. If the input signature used a different property name then that has mutated the payload. So SchemaA and SchemaB must both see the camelCase spec named variable. Also it is possible to send in two properties, named camelCase and camel_case in the same payload. That use case should be support so spec case is used.

Parameter spec case

Parameters can be included in different locations including:

  • query
  • path
  • header
  • cookie

Any of those parameters could use the same parameter names, so if every parameter was included as an endpoint parameter in a function signature, they would collide. For that reason, each of those inputs have been separated out into separate typed dictionaries:

  • query_params
  • path_params
  • header_params
  • cookie_params

So when updating your code, you will need to pass endpoint parameters in using those dictionaries.

Endpoint responses

Endpoint responses have been enriched to now include more information. Any response reom an endpoint will now include the following properties: response: urllib3.HTTPResponse body: typing.Union[Unset, Schema] headers: typing.Union[Unset, TODO] Note: response header deserialization has not yet been added

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git)

Then import the package:

import petstore_api


Install via Setuptools.

python setup.py install --user

(or sudo python setup.py install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import petstore_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import datetimeimport datetimeimport datetimeimport datetimeimport datetimeimport datetimeimport datetime
import time
import petstore_api
from pprint import pprint
from petstore_api.apis import another_fake_api
from petstore_api.model.client import Client
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://petstore.swagger.io:80/v2
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = petstore_api.Configuration(
    host = "http://petstore.swagger.io:80/v2"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with petstore_api.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = another_fake_api.AnotherFakeApi(api_client)
    client = Client(
    ) # Client | client model

        # To test special tags
        api_response = api_instance.call_123_test_special_tags(client)
    except petstore_api.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AnotherFakeApi->call_123_test_special_tags: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://petstore.swagger.io:80/v2

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnotherFakeApi call_123_test_special_tags patch /another-fake/dummy To test special tags
DefaultApi foo_get get /foo
FakeApi additional_properties_with_array_of_enums get /fake/additional-properties-with-array-of-enums Additional Properties with Array of Enums
FakeApi array_model post /fake/refs/arraymodel
FakeApi array_of_enums post /fake/refs/array-of-enums Array of Enums
FakeApi body_with_file_schema put /fake/body-with-file-schema
FakeApi body_with_query_params put /fake/body-with-query-params
FakeApi boolean post /fake/refs/boolean
FakeApi case_sensitive_params put /fake/case-sensitive-params
FakeApi client_model patch /fake To test "client" model
FakeApi composed_one_of_different_types post /fake/refs/composed_one_of_number_with_validations
FakeApi delete_coffee delete /fake/deleteCoffee/{id} Delete coffee
FakeApi endpoint_parameters post /fake Fake endpoint for testing various parameters 假端點 偽のエンドポイント 가짜 엔드 포인트
FakeApi enum_parameters get /fake To test enum parameters
FakeApi fake_health_get get /fake/health Health check endpoint
FakeApi group_parameters delete /fake Fake endpoint to test group parameters (optional)
FakeApi inline_additional_properties post /fake/inline-additionalProperties test inline additionalProperties
FakeApi inline_composition post /fake/inlineComposition/ testing composed schemas at inline locations
FakeApi json_form_data get /fake/jsonFormData test json serialization of form data
FakeApi json_with_charset post /fake/jsonWithCharset json with charset tx and rx
FakeApi mammal post /fake/refs/mammal
FakeApi number_with_validations post /fake/refs/number
FakeApi object_in_query get /fake/objInQuery user list
FakeApi object_model_with_ref_props post /fake/refs/object_model_with_ref_props
FakeApi parameter_collisions post /fake/parameterCollisions/{1}/{aB}/{Ab}/{self}/{A-B}/ parameter collision case
FakeApi query_parameter_collection_format put /fake/test-query-paramters
FakeApi ref_object_in_query get /fake/refObjInQuery user list
FakeApi response_without_schema get /fake/responseWithoutSchema receives a response without schema
FakeApi string post /fake/refs/string
FakeApi string_enum post /fake/refs/enum
FakeApi upload_download_file post /fake/uploadDownloadFile uploads a file and downloads a file using application/octet-stream
FakeApi upload_file post /fake/uploadFile uploads a file using multipart/form-data
FakeApi upload_files post /fake/uploadFiles uploads files using multipart/form-data
FakeClassnameTags123Api classname patch /fake_classname_test To test class name in snake case
PetApi add_pet post /pet Add a new pet to the store
PetApi delete_pet delete /pet/{petId} Deletes a pet
PetApi find_pets_by_status get /pet/findByStatus Finds Pets by status
PetApi find_pets_by_tags get /pet/findByTags Finds Pets by tags
PetApi get_pet_by_id get /pet/{petId} Find pet by ID
PetApi update_pet put /pet Update an existing pet
PetApi update_pet_with_form post /pet/{petId} Updates a pet in the store with form data
PetApi upload_file_with_required_file post /fake/{petId}/uploadImageWithRequiredFile uploads an image (required)
PetApi upload_image post /pet/{petId}/uploadImage uploads an image
StoreApi delete_order delete /store/order/{order_id} Delete purchase order by ID
StoreApi get_inventory get /store/inventory Returns pet inventories by status
StoreApi get_order_by_id get /store/order/{order_id} Find purchase order by ID
StoreApi place_order post /store/order Place an order for a pet
UserApi create_user post /user Create user
UserApi create_users_with_array_input post /user/createWithArray Creates list of users with given input array
UserApi create_users_with_list_input post /user/createWithList Creates list of users with given input array
UserApi delete_user delete /user/{username} Delete user
UserApi get_user_by_name get /user/{username} Get user by user name
UserApi login_user get /user/login Logs user into the system
UserApi logout_user get /user/logout Logs out current logged in user session
UserApi update_user put /user/{username} Updated user

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api_key
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api_key_query
  • Location: URL query string


  • Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: HTTP signature authentication

Authentication schemes defined for the API:



Notes for Large OpenAPI documents

If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in petstore_api.apis and petstore_api.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:

Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:

  • from petstore_api.apis.default_api import DefaultApi
  • from petstore_api.model.pet import Pet

Solution 1: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:

import sys
import petstore_api
from petstore_api.apis import *
from petstore_api.models import *