
Go client for the Stripe API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Stripe (BETA) Build Status


The official Stripe Go client library.

NOTE: This library is still in beta. We may make significant API changes between minor versions until the 1.0 release. We will not make breaking changes in patch versions.


Each revision of the binding is tagged and the version is updated accordingly.

Given Go's lack of built-in versioning, it is highly recommended you use a package mangement tool in order to ensure a newer version of the binding does not affect backwards compatibility.

To see the list of past versions, run git tag. To manually get an older version of the client, clone this repo, checkout the specific tag and build the library:

git clone https://github.com/stripe/stripe-go.git
cd stripe
git checkout api_version_tag
make build

For more details on changes between versions, see the binding changelog and API changelog.


go get github.com/stripe/stripe-go


Pull requests from the community are welcome. If you submit one, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  1. Code should be go fmt compliant.
  2. All types, structs and funcs should be documented.
  3. Ensure that make checkin succeeds.


For running additional tests, follow the steps below:

Set the STRIPE_KEY environment variable to match your test private key:


Then run:

make test


While some resources may contain more/less APIs, the following pattern is applied throughout the library for a given resource:

Without a Client

If you're only dealing with a single key, you can simply import the packages required for the resources you're interacting with without the need to create a client.

import (

// Setup
stripe.Key = "sk_key"

stripe.SetBackend(backend) // optional, useful for mocking
stripe.SetHttpClient(http.Client) // optional, useful for Google AppEngine

// Create
resource, err := resource.Create(ResourceParams)

// Get
resource, err := resource.Get(id, ResourceParams)

// Update
resource, err := resource.Update(ResourceParams)

// Delete
err := resource.Delete(id)

// List
i := resource.List(ResourceListParams)
for !i.Stop() {
  resource, err := i.Next()

With a Client

If you're dealing with multiple keys, it is recommended you use the client.Api. This allows you to create as many clients as needed, each with their own individual key.

import (

// Setup
stripe := &client.Api{}
stripe.Init("sk_key", nil, nil)
// similarly, the second parameter represents the http.Client used and the third
// parameter is the Backend used by the binding, which is useful for mocking in tests

// Create
resource, err := stripe.Resources.Create(ResourceParams)

// Get
resource, err := stripe.Resources.Get(id, ResourceParams)

// Update
resource, err := stripe.Resources.Update(ResourceParams)

// Delete
err := stripe.Resources.Delete(id)

// List
i := stripe.Resources.List(ResourceListParams)
for !i.Stop() {
  resource, err := i.Next()


Below are a few simple examples. For details on all the functionality in this library, see the GoDoc documentation.

For more details about Stripe, check out the documentation.


params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
		Balance: -123,
		Card: &stripe.CardParams{
			Name:   "Go Stripe",
			Number: "378282246310005",
			Month:  "06",
			Year:   "15",
		Desc:  "Stripe Developer",
		Email: "gostripe@stripe.com",

customer, err := customer.Create(params)


params := &stripe.ChargeListParams{Customer: customer.Id}
params.Filters.AddFilter("include", "", "total_count")

charges, err := charge.List(params)

for _, charge := range(charges.Values) {
   // perform an action on each charge


events, err := event.List(nil)

for _, e := range(events.Values) {
  // access event data via e.GetObjValue("resource_name_based_on_type", "resource_property_name")
  // alternatively you can access values via e.Data.Obj["resource_name_based_on_type"].(map[string]interface{})["resource_property_name"]

  // access previous attributes via e.GetPrevValue("resource_name_based_on_type", "resource_property_name")
  // alternatively you can access values via e.Data.Prev["resource_name_based_on_type"].(map[string]interface{})["resource_property_name"]

For any requests, bug or comments, please open an issue.