
In this application we build an API endpoint for the Tensorflow Object Detection API and deploy it on Google Kubernetes Engine. The user hits the endpoint with image data and gets a response which consists of detections with scores, image data with overlay, image size (can be customized).

Primary LanguagePython


This is a flask application with tensorflow 2 object detection API deployed. The user hits the endpoint with image data and gets a response which consists of detections with scores, image data with overlay, image size (can be customized).

Prerequisites and Setup

  • You need to setup the tensorflow object detection API. Here are some of the great articles that will help you in the process, tutorial1, tutorial2.
  • You can the download the required model from tensorflow model zooand specify the saved_model, labelmap path in the main.py file
  • client.py is used hit the endpoint. You have to specify the url with endpoint, image_path, output_dir(the dir where you want your image with overlay to be saved. It's optional), in the client.py file.


  • first run python main.py to get the app running and then to hit the endpoint with required arguments, run python client.py


The response consists of

  • detections with scores
  • image data with overlay. This can be decoded back to a numpy array and can be written to disk to visualize the result (provided in client.py)
  • image size

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