The Wing Terraform Backend is an open-source implementation of the Terraform HTTP backend, written in the Wing programming language. This backend allows you to store the state of your Terraform project remotely and supports state locking.
- Remote State Management: Store your Terraform state in a remote, centralized location to enable collaborative workflows.
- State Locking: Avoid state corruption with the built-in state lock and unlock functionality.
- Basic Authentication: Implement a simple user-based authentication to protect your state data.
npm install -g winglang@latest
npm install
Expects valid credentials in ENV
wing compile -t tf-aws main.w
Setup a user in the created DynamoDB Table. e.g. The create-user-function-name has to be looked up in the AWS console or in the local state file of Terraform. This will be improved.
# Execute AWS Lambda function and save the result
result=$(aws lambda invoke \
--function-name <create-user-function-name> \
--payload "$(echo -n '{"username":"your-user", "password":"your-password"}' | base64)" \
--log-type Tail \
# Parse the "LogResult" field and decode it
log_result=$(echo $result | jq -r '.LogResult' | base64 --decode)
# Display the decoded log result
echo $log_result
Define the http backend in Terraform, e.g.
terraform {
backend "http" {
and run the following to configure it
terraform init \
-backend-config=address=${TF_ADDRESS} \
-backend-config=lock_address=${TF_ADDRESS}/lock \
-backend-config=unlock_address=${TF_ADDRESS}/unlock \
-backend-config=username=${TF_USERNAME} \
-backend-config=password=${TF_PASSWORD} \
-backend-config=lock_method=POST \
-backend-config=unlock_method=POST \
- Serious credential handling
- More tests
- A plugin to tune the bucket settings (i.e. versioning)
- CI / CD via Github Actions
- Easier user / token handling
- Support multiple branches per state
- Logs
- Monitoring
- Azure (missing SDK resources)
- GCP (missing SDK resources)
- Authorization (?)
- A simple Web UI
- Wing Github Action Integration