

marknokes opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, Wing!

I'm using your sync example, and it's fantastic! I was getting a null service exception when running $instances->updateMetadatasetContainer() and noticed that the MetadataSet.class.php called for a new DynamicMetadataFieldDefinition in two places where the service wasn't being passed in. I've attached the updated code. Thanks again for all you do!

I used the version in the 8.8 folder. Yes, I’m syncing between two instances.

I see. Thanks for letting me know. Lol, I must be brave! Well, I've developing in my test instance, and thought...I'll bet Wing created something to synchronize assets...and behold! You did!!! So far I have copied everything except workflows (because I don't have any to copy), transports, and destinations. It's working really great.

I don’t think any of us will ever be able to “catch up” to you, Wing!