
This repository is provided as-is, further updates are included in LibSignal, which supports flexible and cross-platform (CityFlow and SUMO) training and testing in PyTorch. We also actively looking for contributions for LibSignal, feel free to reach out if you would love to contribute to the project!

PressLight is a reinforcement learning agent for network-level traffic signal control.

 author = {Wei, Hua and Chen, Chacha and Zheng, Guanjie and Wu, Kan and Gayah, Vikash and Xu, Kai and Li, Zhenhui},
 title = {PressLight: Learning Max Pressure Control to Coordinate Traffic Signals in Arterial Network},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining},
 series = {KDD '19},
 year = {2019},
 location = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
 pages = {1290--1298},
 numpages = {9},

We also have one paper "CoLight: Learning Network-level Cooperation for Traffic Signal Control" accepted by CIKM 2019.

And the code base for CoLight is more advanced in terms of structure and compatibility with CityFlow simulator. You can check that out at here