- 0
- 3
SplitView Problem with React Router
#44 opened by mush42 - 0
Readme links to broken page
#43 opened by vgrafe - 2
Why were the DOCS removed?
#42 opened by staxmanade - 0
react-winjs build for xbox one?
#41 opened by alexandrubeu - 4
- 1
npm react require
#38 opened - 2
- 1
- 13
Abandoned project?
#37 opened by unindented - 3
Add support for React 0.14+
#30 opened by staxmanade - 7
where can I get the proper `.d.ts` file?
#31 opened by staxmanade - 2
Update to include other controls?
#28 opened by staxmanade - 3
- 0
Cannot handle input events in ContentDialog
#22 opened by jseanxu - 0
Typescript + WinJS + React
#23 opened by varghesep - 6
ListView within a Pivot not re-rendering?
#27 opened by staxmanade - 4
Compiling JSX files to Javascript
#24 opened by varghesep - 1
Showcase and examples
#21 opened by varghesep - 1
Page transition animation
#12 opened by quanglam2807 - 1
Flyout documentation is off
#20 opened by jseanxu - 8
Example with VirtualizedDataSource ?
#19 opened by darkyen - 1
- 1
Modular Build WinJS and react-winjs?
#2 opened by rigdern - 3
- 1
- 4
- 3
peerDependencies "react" version confict
#7 opened by quanglam2807 - 4
[Question] How do you manage virtualization ?
#18 opened by darkyen - 1
Update for WinJS 4.0.0
#17 opened by rigdern - 5
navigation app using react
#11 opened by pke - 6
AppBar broken in latest build
#15 opened by darkyen - 6
Suggestion AppBar
#10 opened by darkyen - 1
ListView inside Hub.Section
#4 opened by fmpublic