Golang binding for speex(https://github.com/winlinvip/speex)
First, get the source code:
go get -d github.com/winlinvip/go-speex
Then, compile the speex:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/winlinvip/go-speex &&
git clone https://github.com/winlinvip/speex.git speex-lib &&
cd speex-lib/ && bash autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/objs --enable-static && make && make install &&
cd ..
Done, import and use the package:
- speex decoder, decode the speex frame to PCM samples.
To run all examples:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/winlinvip/go-speex && go test ./...
There are an example of SPEEX audio packets in FLV:
- avatar speex over FLV, user can use this file to decode to PCM.
- audio resample.
For more information about SPEEX codec, read:
- github.com, source code of speex codec.
- examples, encoder and decoder example.
Winlin 2016