
a collection of small utilities for working with kubernetes clusters

Primary LanguageShell


Collection of utilities to improve working with Kubernetes clusters.

NOTE: This is currently a private github repo, though there is nothing specific to Pantheon or sensitive in it. It might be easier to make this a public repo.




$ brew tap joemiller/kubits https://github.com/joemiller/kubits
$ brew install kubits


$ brew update
$ brew upgrade kubits





$ brew uninstall joemiller/kubits/kubits
$ brew untap joemiller/kubits



List and set the current kubernetes cluster:

$ kube-cluster

$ kube-cluster foo
switched to context "foo"


List and set the current namespace:

$ kube-ns
NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    70d
development   Active    70d
production    Active    70d

$ kube-ns development


Tail the logs from multiple pods and containers in a single command.

Each container's output is prefixed with the pod and container the originated the log line.

Output is colored for improved readability.

Loosely inspired by the Heroku toolbelt's log tail function.

kube-tail accepts the same -l | --selector argument as kubectl get

$ kubectl get pods -l app=myapp --namespace=production
NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
myapp-11345623-gj2mr                    2/2       Running   0          2d

$ kube-tail -l app=myapp --namespace=production
|myapp-11345623-gj2mr::nginx | - - [18/Oct/2016:17:56:15 +0000] "GET /api/5bb0c1a8-0ad9-bcee-d3d3-f541bd3e7559/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3918 "-"
|myapp-11345623-gj2mr::myapp | time="2016-10-18T17:36:29Z" level=info msg="New connection" clientIP= conID=0dff04c5-4fa9-436c-8c08-f58d2b4e1e24


Open the kubernetes-dashboard web UI of the currently configured cluster in your browser.

A simple wrapper around kubectl proxy + open http://localhost:8001/ui.

$ kube-dash
<browser should open>
ctrl-C to exit

BASH / ZSH completion

Completion helpers are available for both BASH and ZSH in the ./completions directory. These are installed automatically when installing via homebrew.


Submitting changes

  1. Make your branch: git checkout -b feature-name
  2. Make your edits.
  3. Commit to branch, send PR
  4. Update CHANGELOG.md. Describe your changes in the [Unreleased] section.
  5. Update README.md (if applicable)
  6. Merge to master after code-review process.

Updating Homebrew Formula

  1. In CHANGELOG.md modify [Unreleased] to new version, eg: [0.0.7] and include today's date. Create a new, empty [Unreleased] section.
  2. Create new tag: git tag v0.0.7
  3. Push tag to github: git push --tags
  4. Get the sha256 checksum from the tag tarball: curl -L https://github.com/joemiller/kubits/archive/v0.0.7.tar.gz | sha256sum
  5. Edit Formula/kubits.rb, update url and sha256
  6. Commit updated Formula/kubits.rb to master.
  7. git push origin master

After merge to master you can test your update is available by running the normal upgrade procedure: brew update && brew upgrade joemiller/kubits/kubits


  • include helpers for adding cluster+namespace to bash and zsh prompts
  • add circle-ci? add shellcheck for linting?
  • make public repo? If so, then we should switch the homebrew formula to use a url to the github release tarball as is common practice for most public brews. Also the instructions for adding the tap can be shortened to remove the URL.