
A web-based version of the charades game Celebrity (or Hat Game, or Salad Bowl)

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status


Work in Progress: Modular-style game app


  • Running the cucumber or unit tests will also run the coverage tool SimpleCov. Report details are in the Coverage folder.

Feature tests

# run Cucumber tests
$ bundle exec cucumber

Unit tests

# run rspec tests
$ bundle exec rspec


  • Be sure you have a .env file. Follow the .env.example file for guidance.
$ source .env 

# Rerun watches files for changes
$ rerun foreman start

# Watches scss files and compiles css on change
# TODO implement better compiler for scss files
$ sass --watch app/lib/styles/main.scss:app/public/styles/main.css

Travis CI and Heroku

  • Evey branch that gets pushed to Github (e.g. git push -u origin master) is tested with TravisCI
  • Cucumber and RSpec tests run for each build
  • The master branch is tested with TravisCI then TravisCI automatically pushes to Heroku if the build passed

Heroku Debugging

  • Log: heroku logs
  • Get console: heroku run