
Laravel Transaction API

Primary LanguagePHP

Mojo Finance API

A simple laravel api powered by Sanctum that allows for customer account creation and transfer of funds between accounts

Setup with Sail

- Install docker
- Start docker
- Update .env with database name and credentials
- Update .env with email config
- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:migrate
- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed
- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail up
- To exit run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail down -v

Setup Local Environment

- You should have php, mysql setup locally
- Create a mysql database eg. mojo_finance
- Update .env with database name and credentials
- Update .env with email config
- Run the seeder with command **php artisan db:seed**
- Follow the api doc links to get an api token to start making requests

Jobs (Horizon - Redis)

- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail artisan horizon
- Visit http://localhost/horizon to access the dashboard

Api Docs


- To run tests => ./vendor/bin/sail test

Scheduled Transactions

- ./vendor/bin/sail artisan schedule:work

Nova Setup

- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail npm i
- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail npm run dev
- Run command from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail artisan nova:install
- Run comman from project root => ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
- Visit dashboard => http://localhost/nova
- To setup user run command => ./vendor/bin/sail artisan nova:user