
Docs page in Next.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docs for Next.js

Minimalistic documentations page for Next.js web apps.


git clone
yarn install


This directory is a standalone Next.js web app. To see it run on https://localhost:3000/docs,

yarn run dev

To incorporate it in a Next.js web app,

  1. Copy over the files in components/, styles/, lib/docs, pages/docs/ into corresponding directories
  2. Add import "antd/dist/antd.css"; before other stylesheets in pages/_app.js

docs/ structure

The docs is organized in an intuitive manner.

    │   page-one.md		// path: /docs/page-one
    |   page-two.md
    └───heading-one		// no corresponding path
	|   page-a.md		// path: /docs/heading-one/page-a
	│   page-b.md
	|    ...
	|   page-i.md
	|   page-ii.md

An example:

    │   getting-started.md	// path: /docs/page-one
    │   faq.md
    └───basic-features		// no corresponding path
	|   pages.md		// path: /docs/heading-one/page-a
	│   data-fetching.md
	|   ...


docs/manifest.json is the master document that decides which paths to pre-render at build time and what is displayed on the navigation menu. If there is a corresponding markdown file, "key" value should refer to that .md file. Without .md ending in "key" value, lib/docs would only consider it as a heading and thus not render it.

manifest.json` takes on the following structure:

    "title": "NAME",
    "key": "/path/to/desired/directory/or/file",
    "children": [

An example corresponding the aforementioned docs structure:

    "title": "Documentations",
    "key": "/docs",
    "children": [
      { "title": "Getting Started", "key": "/docs/getting-started.md" },
        "title": "Basic Features",
        "key": "/docs/basic-features",
        "children": [
            "title": "Pages",
            "key": "/docs/basic-features/pages.md"
            "title": "Data Fetching",
            "key": "/docs/basic-features/data-fetching.md"
      { "title": "FAQ", "key": "/docs/faq.md" }


  • Making the usage more modular and installable (instead of copying over)
  • Adding search functionality in menu bar
  • Abandon antd tree for pure CSS


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
