
Well-being repository by Women in Network Science WiNS.

WiNS Well-being 🌻📖

Repository by Women in Network Science WiNS.

In this repository you will find useful resources for Women in Network Sciences (WiNS), to care of our well-being. This is only a repository of resources, so if you feel that these thing does not work enough, we definitly encourage you to look for help. Probably in your university there is a programm that could help you, if not, in the same city that you are living. You are not alone, and there is always someone to talk to.

Another repository that may be interesting for you, it is the one created with information for postgraduates Women in Network Science and starting kit with networks

Imposter syndrome 💻💬

We know that imposter syndrome is something common in academia, specially for women. Then, we hope these videos and others resources help you out with that! You definitly can figth back this syndrome!


Explaination about the imposter syndrome - Michelle Obama

Ted Ed: What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it? - Elizabeth Cox

Ted Talk: The Surprising Solution to the Imposter Syndrome - Lou Solomon

Ted Talk: One thing no one told you about the imposter syndrome - Christina Whittaker

How I deal with Impostor Syndrome as a Software Engineer (yes I feel it too) - Kati Morton

How students of color confront impostor syndrome - Dena Simmons

The Imposter syndrome

For reading about it

Coping with imposter syndrome in academia and research

Imposter syndrome in academia and how I beat it. Sabiha opens up about struggling with impostor syndrome during her PhD

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in Academia

Imposter Syndrome

Women in STEM: Shattering “Imposter Syndrome”

Feeling like an impostor? You can escape this confidence-sapping syndrome

How I overcame impostor syndrome after leaving academia

‘I’m not worthy!’ – Imposter Syndrome in Academia


The Impostor Syndrome Terminator podcast

The why factor

The imposter syndromes files

Books to encourage yourself! 🌻📚

Strong Female Book Lists - Goodread

Advices of well-being during your studies 🔭

Newsletter “find mind space”

Resources: looking after your mental wellbeing

Advice from a graduating

PGR Well Bee-in Project

Graduate Wellbeing

Tip for wellbeing

Author/Maintainer: Repository maintain by Postgraduate Committe of WiNS council. If you would like to add information, or suggest some changes, please contact Francisca Ortiz (Postgraduate rep) by email: franortizruiz@gmail.com.