
Real Time Digital Video Stabilization project for ECE532S 2012 at the Univeristy of Toronto

Primary LanguageVerilog

Real Time Digital Video Stabilization

  Project for ECE532S 2012 at the University of Toronto by:

    Ming Liu
    Chung Peng (Charles) Huang
    Kevin Murray

This project is targeted at a Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro FPGA (XC2VP30), 
as part of the XUPV2 development board.

The stabilization algorithm is based off of the Gray Coded 
Bit Plane (GCBP) method presented in:

    S. J. Ko, S.H. Lee, and K.H. Lee, “Digital Image Stabilizing 
    Algorithms Based on Bit-Plane Matching”, in IEEE Trans. On 
    Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, no.3, Aug. 1998, pp.617-622.