
A portable c++ version of the AllJoyn Device System Bridge

Primary LanguageC++


A portable C++ version of the AllJoyn DSB.

The AllSeen Alliance has a Device System Bridge (DSB), which allows non-allseen devices to communicate on an AllJoyn bus. There's a good document describing the software is here.

The code was contributed by Microsoft and is writting using C++/CLI (WinRT). This project's goal is to re-create that software in standard C++ so that it can be run on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

The WinRT version is here:



You will need libaries and development headers for:

See: AllJoyn's instructions for building on Linux


sudo apt-get install build-essential libcap-dev uuid-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev


Right now we're only building on OSX/Linux.

  1. export ALLJOYN_INSTALL_DIR=[path to your build of alljoyn core]
  2. make [options]


  • DEBUG -- debug build (-g) otherwise -O2 is used
  • V -- verbose output (skip if you want cleaner output)
  • ALLJOYN_INSTALL_DIR -- The path to where you build the AllJoyn standard core (C++). Example: ~/workspace/alljoyn/build/linux/x86_64/release/dist/cpp/bin
  • LIBXML_INC -- The path to libxml2's includes. Example: /usr/include/libxml2

All of these options can be set as environment variables. For example, if you always want to do verbose builds, add this to your ~/.bashrc:

export V=1

(Since this is a standard Autotools parameter, this will effect most makefiles).


To run, run alljoyn-daemon from the AllJoyn core C++ build (in a directory like alljoyn/build/linux/x86_64/release/dist/cpp/bin).

Then run:


It should remain running until you hit "enter" on your keyboard.

If you want to inspect it, a good tool called seesions can be found in the same directory as alljoyn-daemon. It will show About announcements, and can possibly do more (needs to be investigated).