
React project that controls a list of users and shows their names and ages. Displays form errors throght a modal.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Username Project

This project was created while while I was taking "React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)" course (https://www.udemy.com/course/react-the-complete-guide-incl-redux).

The software controls a list of users and shows their names and ages. If the form is invalid, a modal is shown with an error message. If it is valid, the list of users is updated.

The project was a challenge, to test if react concepts were learnt. I wrote all the code by myself, including styles, before watching the teacher's solution.

The project was deployed to vercel, available at: https://username-pi.vercel.app/

Study objectives

While developing this project, I practiced basic react concepts. Managing states, working with events, rendering lists and content conditionally. Then, I styled the components using CSS Modules. At last, I wrote unit test to the components.

Running the project

After cloning the repository, open the terminal and go to the project's folder.

Run the command:

npm install

Wait until the installation process end.

Then run the command:

npm start

It should open your browser on http://localhost:3000. If not, open the browser manually and enter the previous url.