
Convert ESM dependencies to CommonJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert ESM dependencies to CommonJS

The creation of package was fueled by pure rage. Developers started to ship ESM only packages which are not able to work with CommonJS. This would be fine if NodeJS would provide full interoperability between the different module specs, but instead it's breaking the ecosystem that actually was supporting this through transpilers.

Some projects cannot use ESM or cannot switch easily their code to be async, which is required to import ESM modules inside CommonJS modules. There is simply no way for some projects to update to the latest version of some crucial packages, and there's no way they can patch their security vulnerabilities if their package is ESM only.

commonizer will give an option for those in need until they can upgrade their code to be ESM only as well.

This package will:

  • transpile ESM modules to CommonJS modules using SWC
  • remove exports field from their package.json



# Locally
npm i commonizer --save-dev

# Globally
npm i commonizer -g

Specifying modules to transpile

Inside your package.json, under commonizer property, you can specify which modules you want to transpile.

  • You need to specify one by one.
  • It won't transpile a module's dependencies, you need to specify them separately if necessary, one-by-one.
  "commonizer": [

Run commonizer

npx commonizer

Remove exports only, or transpile only

You may specify if you want to do the removal of exports field or transpilation only.

  "commonizer": [
          "exports": true,
          "commonjs": false

The above example was necessary in my case because other CJS modules were trying to load scripts directly (eg. parse5/lib/parse.js) which were not listed in the exports field and NodeJS prevents this.


Why not transpile dependencies of a module also?

To keep it safe. Users can decide exactly what to transpile. We don't want to transpile CommonJS code "by accident".

Why I need to specify node_modules also?

commonizer will transpile any path you want, not just node_modules.

How to know which modules to specify?

NodeJS will throw an error when you encounter such.

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /home/user/project/node_modules/esm-module/index.js
from /home/user/project/my-commonjs-file.js not supported.

Use the path node_modules/esm-module.

Can I restore the original source code for a module?

commonizer will first create a backup of the original module.

node_modules/esm-module => node_modules/esm-module__original

Simply delete the transpiled folder and rename the backup.

How safe is this method?

Below I show an example of a list I have for a bigger, mature project. Works well there, but I cannot be sure it'll work in every scenario. This is a temporary solution to help overcome the surfacing issues during a project's transition period.

  "commonizer": [
        "exports": true,
        "commonjs": false


I didn't read through what I wrote here :)