headscale-acl-sync - syncer that syncs LDAP group entries and applies them into Headscale's ACL rules.
headscale-acl-sync requires:
- python 3.x
- jinja2 (https://pypi.org/project/Jinja2/)
- ldap3 (https://pypi.org/project/ldap3/)
- pyaml (https://pypi.org/project/PyYAML/)
./headscale-acl-sync.py -h
usage: headscale-acl-sync.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--ldap-uri LDAP_URI] [--ldap-user LDAP_USER] [--ldap-password LDAP_PASSWORD] [--ldap-dn-search LDAP_DN_SEARCH] [--ldap-group-filter LDAP_GROUP_FILTER]
[--jinja-template JINJA_TEMPLATE] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG Config file
--ldap-uri LDAP_URI LDAP connection URI
--ldap-user LDAP_USER
LDAP BindDN username
--ldap-password LDAP_PASSWORD
LDAP BindDN password
--ldap-dn-search LDAP_DN_SEARCH
LDAP BaseDN search
--ldap-group-filter LDAP_GROUP_FILTER
LDAP group filter
--ldap-user-filter LDAP_USER_FILTER
LDAP user filter
--jinja-template JINJA_TEMPLATE
Jinja2 template file
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
Output file
Create config.yaml (see config.yaml.example) and fill it with actual values.
In LDAP create groups with prefix headscale_
in name and add to its users.
Next, copy actual ACL file from working configuration of Headscale as
. Add under groups
section this code:
# Automated Jinja2 controlled groups begin
{%for group_key, group_value in groups.items() %}
group:{{ group_key.split("_")[1] }}:
{% for entry in group_value %}
- {{ entry }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
# Automated Jinja2 controlled groups end
After first run headscale-acl-sync
will fill it with groups of actual users
and saves generated file as acls.yaml
. You can use these groups as ACL
objects below in acls.yaml.jinja2
Use this acls.yaml
in Headscale config.
Add command into cron like this (runs every 5 minutes):
*/5 * * * * /path/to/headscal-acl-sync.py --output-file /etc/headscale/acls.yaml && systemctl restart headscale
headscale-acl-sync licensed under standard MIT license.