
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


headscale-acl-sync - syncer that syncs LDAP group entries and applies them into Headscale's ACL rules.


headscale-acl-sync requires:


./headscale-acl-sync.py -h

usage: headscale-acl-sync.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--ldap-uri LDAP_URI] [--ldap-user LDAP_USER] [--ldap-password LDAP_PASSWORD] [--ldap-dn-search LDAP_DN_SEARCH] [--ldap-group-filter LDAP_GROUP_FILTER]
                             [--jinja-template JINJA_TEMPLATE] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Config file
  --ldap-uri LDAP_URI   LDAP connection URI
  --ldap-user LDAP_USER
                        LDAP BindDN username
  --ldap-password LDAP_PASSWORD
                        LDAP BindDN password
  --ldap-dn-search LDAP_DN_SEARCH
                        LDAP BaseDN search
  --ldap-group-filter LDAP_GROUP_FILTER
                        LDAP group filter
  --ldap-user-filter LDAP_USER_FILTER
                        LDAP user filter
  --jinja-template JINJA_TEMPLATE
                        Jinja2 template file
  --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output file

Create config.yaml (see config.yaml.example) and fill it with actual values. In LDAP create groups with prefix headscale_ in name and add to its users.

Next, copy actual ACL file from working configuration of Headscale as acls.yaml.jinja2. Add under groups section this code:

  # Automated Jinja2 controlled groups begin
{%for group_key, group_value in groups.items() %}
  group:{{ group_key.split("_")[1] }}:
{% for entry in group_value %}
    - {{ entry }}
{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}
  # Automated Jinja2 controlled groups end

After first run headscale-acl-sync will fill it with groups of actual users and saves generated file as acls.yaml. You can use these groups as ACL objects below in acls.yaml.jinja2.

Use this acls.yaml in Headscale config.

Periodic run

Add command into cron like this (runs every 5 minutes):

*/5 * * * * /path/to/headscal-acl-sync.py --output-file /etc/headscale/acls.yaml && systemctl restart headscale


headscale-acl-sync licensed under standard MIT license.