
📦 Store file's hash on ethereum blockchain and verify it's original

Primary LanguagePython

File on blockchain

Index Upload result File info
upload result info
Check Exist None
check true false

Initialize blockchain environment

  1. git clone https://github.com/JungWinter/file-on-blockchain
  2. cd file-on-blockchain/blockchain
  3. ./init.sh
  4. ./start.sh

Create account for deploying

  1. Open another terminal and move to file-on-blockchain/blockchain
  2. geth attach ./chain-data/geth.ipc
  3. In console, personal.newAccount() and enter password
  4. miner.start() and miner.stop()

Deploy simple contract

  1. cd file-on-blockchain/example
  2. python deploy_contract_and_test.py
  3. 🎉

Run server

  1. cd file-on-blockchain/app
  2. python server.py