
This project is no longer maintained. Basic quiz webapp optimized for mobile devices

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Please note that this project is no longer maintained.

The quiz is made for mobile devices as clients. Select the next question using a simplistic admin ui that also renders crude bar charts of the answers' distribution. To bootup the quiz as fast as possible, a captive portal could be used to direct the clients to the quiz.

quiz-unselected quiz-selected


The quiz is based on node.js (apt-get install nodejs). To install all dependencies browse to the project folder and issue npm install. See package.json for the dependencies.

Quick start

Enter the questions in the given format under game.json. Bootup the server using node server.js. Clients browse to localhost:8080/, the admin to localhost:8080/admin (admin/secret). To push the first question to all connected clients, select the Answering mode and press Next as admin. To query the statistics select Statistics mode. Below the controls renders a bar chart visualising the distribution of the choices.


The credentials are admin/secret by default and can be configured within server.js

Ports / HTTPS

Ports are 8080 and 8443 by default. If https protocol is needed the server certificate and server key need to be placed under /ssl/server.key and ssl/server.cert, otherwise comment the https protocol in server.js

Cookies and Timeouts

To prohibit the clients from choosing more than once, a client cookie will be set. The timeout is also configured in the client.js. For a more elaborated version, the clients would have to generate a uuid and register on the server which in turn controls the choices and timeouts of each client. Feel free to implement...


To prohibit activation of the screen lock, the client.js uses a dirty hack called NoSleep.js.

Admin UI



