
Simple Add To Calendar Wordpress Plugin

Primary LanguageCSS

Plugin Name

Contributors: winterpk Donate link: Tags: comments, spam Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 1.3.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Create a simple link for calendar events


PHP >= 5.2 Apache >= 2.2.22


This plugins add shortcode which allow simple creation of event links

The following tag is used to create a simple event link

Uses twitter bootstrap for dropdown menus and buttons (http://getbootstrap.com)


It accepts several required parameters and a few optionl:

  • theme - Optional, used to switch between themes. Defaults to 'text'. The following themes are supported: "satc-image-cal1", "satc-image-cal2", "satc-image-cal3", "satc-btn-blue", "satc-btn-green", "satc-btn-ltblue", "satc-btn-orange", "satc-btn-red"
  • link_text - Optional, used when theme is set to 'text'.
  • start_date - Required, accepts a variety of formats.
  • start_time - Required, accepts a variety of formats.
  • end_date - Required, accepts a variety of formats.
  • end_time - Required, accepts a variety of formats.
  • timezone - Required, Timezone of the event. Timezone codes are found here: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
  • event_name - Required, Name of event.
  • organizer - Required, Organizer of the event.
  • location - Required, Location of the event.
  • filename - Optional, name of the file.
  • description - Required, Description of the event. Converts breaks to new lines but accepts no other html.


[satc theme="text" link_text="Click To Add To Calendar" start_date="2/6/2015" start_time="11:30am" end_date="2/6/2015" end_time="12:00pm" timezone="America/Denver" event_name="Test Event" organizer="winterpk" location="Brazil" filename="brazil.ics"]
Description text goes here
Description line 2


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload satc folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place [satc] shortcode in your templates

Frequently Asked Questions

What does this do?

Read the description.

Why is there only 1 theme?

I'm still working on the other themes

What formats does it support?

For now only Outlook and iCalendar




  • Fixed an issue with date/times
  • Fixed a JS selector issue when wordpress inserts breaks automatically
  • Fixed an issue with new lines not working for description on some Wordpress installs


  • Fixed a fatal error on PHP 5.2 systems with the DateTime object


  • Rebuilt the backend to create a .ics file
  • Rebuilt the frontend to download the file normally


  • Added three new themes, ltblue, orange and red btns
  • Removed first break from description
  • Removed summary
  • Changed name to event name
  • Used event name in ics file creation


  • Fixed a bug with filename attribute
  • Updated CSS


  • Added Google Calender support
  • Added serveral new theme options


  • First release candidate
  • Very basic functionality