
Tools that can be used with Xen

Primary LanguagePerl


Push VM statistics, cpu, disk and net from xentop to carbon either direct or by means of collectd, supports xapi and xm.

Examples in the .png:

  • To net TX/RX: this is a routerVM controlled by cloudstack, and doing moderate network load.
  • Top Read IO shows us the most misbehaving VM in our cloud; it seems that the VM from account id 9 with vm_instance id 1452 is the most misbehaving VM which is hammering the shared storage underneath, and it is doing this via a disk known to Xen with id 5632.

This Xen ID can be used to get the specific disk ID with the xenstore-ls and xl commands:

    # xenstore-ls `xl block-list i-9-1452-VM | awk '{ print $7 }' | grep 5632`
    frontend = "/local/domain/386/device/vbd/5632"
    online = "1"
    sm-data = ""
     storage-type = "nfs"
     scsi = ""
      0x12 = ""
       0x80 = "AIAAEjJkNjZhYTVmLTNmNmMtNDQgIA=="
     vdi-uuid = "2d66aa5f-3f6c-444f-8327-2c9e54ec2b17"
     mem-pool = "a119270f-6fac-7b22-84a5-44816ff20dc6"
    params = "/dev/sm/backend/a119270f-6fac-7b22-84a5-44816ff20dc6/2d66aa5f-3f6c-444f-8327-2c9e54ec2b17"
    state = "4"
    dev = "hdc"
    physical-device = "fd:c"
    removable = "1"
    mode = "w"
    frontend-id = "386"
    type = "phy"
    max-ring-page-order = "0"
    hotplug-status = "connected"
    feature-barrier = "1"
    sectors = "524288000"
    info = "0"
    sector-size = "512"
    kthread-pid = "32742"
    [root@mccpvm24 ~]#