
a simple ABANDONWARE Markdown to BBCode parser. based on https://github.com/coreyti/showdown/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a simple Markdown to BBCode parser. based coreyti/showdown

Stable live is on niggazwithattitu.de, alpha live is available at http://alfateam123.github.io/md2bbc


var text = "Markdown *rocks*."; //the text you want to convert
var converter = new Showdown.converter(converter_options); //create the converter
var bbcode = converter.makeBBCode(text); //converting your text

You can read more in the @Tutorial, or read the @Reference

Dependencies and browser support

Fortunately, md2bbc does not need any external library to work. The tests may require to use QUnit.js, the testing library built for the jquery project.

Talking about browser support... John Fraser (the original developer of the library) supported a lot of old browsers.
We try to support them too, you can just try to run the tests and see it something becomes red.


some things (like @user and #project features) were done for nerdz.eu. It's n-not I like t-this site or a-anything! @nerdzeu no baka! Feel free to modify them in order to support twitter or your favourite social network/website.

obligatory excited Charlotte

obligatory excited Charlotte