
Accompanying resources for my BEA2021 paper

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contain the accompanying resources for my BEA2021 paper.

Jan Wira Gotama Putra, Simone Teufel, Takenobu Tokunaga. 2021. Parsing Argumentative Structure in English-as-Foreign-Language Essays. In the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 97-109. 20 April 2021.


Please check the ICNALE-AS2R page for downloading the corpus.

Data preparation

  • data/ folder contains the file structure to prepare the dataset
  • data/dataset/ folder contains the ICNALE dataset that has been annotated with argumentative structure and sentence reordering (see the download link above).
  • data/dataset-SBERT/ shows the folder organisation when preprocessing the data, i.e., converting sentences into vector forms using SBERT encoder.


  • Check the docker/ folder to replicate our environment.
  • The parsing process is divided into two stages: (1) sentence linking and (2) relation labelling. sentence linking/ and rel labelling/ folders contain the corresponding scripts.
  • Please refer to our paper for the experimental details.