
Basic single page photo viewer using Bootstrap's Carousel and jQuery dynamic HTML updates

Primary LanguageHTML

Basic Photo Site

This page is a very simple usage of a bootstrap carousel that loads photos dynamically from a list of urls. As the user navigates the carousel a pointer keeps track of the location in the list. If the user clicks on the right arrow, the pointer will increment. Otherwise, the pointer will decrement. A button is also available to random update the photo and location in the list where the pointer is pointing.


  1. Create a vendor directory and but two subdirs in it, One for Bootstrap and the other for jquery.

    $ mkdir -p vendor/bootstrap vendor/jquery
  2. Populate those vendor directory from npm's dist directory or however you perfer. Just be aware of path changes if you use something else and update them in index.html.

  3. Make a directory to store photos or links to photos locally on the webserver

    $ ln -s ~/Photos photos
  4. Populate a file called purls.js which contains an array of urls referring to the files in the photos/ directory you just made.

    var purls = [
  5. Push to a webserver or start one locally. I use one I wrote that include SSL and basic auth:

    $ sfs -u -d . &
  6. Visit the page in your browser and see something like this:
