A JSON List of Currency Formats & Information
"JPY": {
"name": "Japanese Yen",
"iso": {
"code": "JPY",
"num": 392
"symbol": {
"default": {
"display": "¥",
"code": "¥"
"native": {
"display": "円",
"code": "円"
"units": {
"decimal": 0,
"sub": 0,
"name": {
"major": "Yen",
"minor": null
"format": "-###,###,###円"
The name of the currency
The three-letter ISO-4217 currency code
The three-digit ISO-4217 numeric currency code
The default symbol, used globally, for this currency
HTML Hex value for this symbol
If a currency is displayed differently natively (eg. A different symbol for Yen is commonly used in Japan), an object will be returned. Otherwise null
The native display symbol, used in local territories, for this currency
HTML Hex value for this symbol
Number of decimal units used in the currency
Number of sub-units used in the currency. eg: 100 Pence GBP = 1 Pound GBP
The name for the major unit. eg. GBP: Pound
The name for the minor unit eg. GBP: Pence
A DecimalFormat style string for displaying positive and negative currency amounts, with symbols (see below for a gist that works with these)
The format
value can be used to display the currency in a format familiar to local users. For example, GBP uses decimal points to indicate decimals, where EUR uses commas.
The location of negative value indicators also changes dependent on currency.
The following gist will format a number using the format string supplied in the JSON: https://gist.github.com/benhodgson87/becf5884a53d90f86b6e
If a currency is missing, or you've noticed some mistakes, please submit a pull request. Any help keeping this as complete and up-to-date as possible is greatly appreciated.
Please ensure when submitting a PR that you stick to the existing formatting (4-space tabs, etc.)