
Minified and bundled Kysely

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Kysely runs in the browser without any problem, just import from "kysely" will works well in most enviroments. minified-kysely is for the rare cases where using Kysely dynamically without passing through any bundler(like Webpack or Rollup).

Multiple version of Kyselys are built from Git commits. All tagged commits, and tracking branches are targets. Generated files are stored in the same repository: /dist.



Contains informations about generated files. See the type definition.




You can use jsDelivr to request the files from stable CDN. Responsed files are not always up-to-date because of the caching logic. It's not a problem for fixed versions like tag/0.24.0, however, for files like info.json or branch/master/index.js it's a big problem since they should be kept latest. To solve this problem:

  1. Check out the latest commit id using GitHub API.
  2. Request to jsDelivr using commit id. (e.g. wirekang/minified-kysely@{commitId}/dist/info.json)