
Module for managing downloads

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Downloads module

⚠️ This repository has been deprecated ⚠️

Module for managing downloads.


$ composer require wirelab/downloads-module
$ php artisan addon:install wirelab.module.downloads

Overwriting the default view

  1. php artisan addon:publish downloads
  2. Edit the view view in resources/<site name>/addons/wirelab/downloads-module/views/download

Adding fields to a download

  1. In the download module go to fields and make a new field
  2. In the downloads section click on assignments and assign the field

Adding downloads to a page

  1. Create a multiple field in the pages module, assign it to Locations > Locations
  2. Assign the field to a page type
  3. In the page type loop over page.your_slug and call render() on the downloads. Or call render() on page.your_slug to have it to loop for you. Examples:
{% for download in page.your_slug %}
{% endfor %}

Not calling render will return the attributes of the download.

{% for download in page.your_slug %}
	{{ download.name }}
	{{ download.description }}
{% endfor %}