
Linux userspace chorded keyboard driver. Turns a gamepad into a fully customizable chorded keyboard

Primary LanguageC++

Joy2Chord is a userlevel input driver for chorded keyboards based off of devices that can interface through /dev/input/js*.

Written by Nathanael Anderson wirelessdreamer (AT) gmail (DOT) com
config file code by Rick Wagner wagnerr@umich.edu from http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wagnerr/ConfigFile.html

To Compile: 
install automake for your distribution, then run autogen.sh, followed by configure, and make

Linux uinput interface in kernel
Linux Joystick interface in kernel
Some type of joystick or gamepad that plays nicely with linux

Currently Implemented Features:
Multiple Modes for input
Basic Alpha/Numeric input
Useful handling of Special characters (alt, shift, ctrl, meta, cap, scroll, num locks ) ( hold all modifiers down untill a non modifier is pressed )
Config file support (Basic)
Calibration assitance ( run with -b and joy2chord will tell you what button number you pressed)

macros should be easy to define in config file
support for key repeating
Helper application support

Similar Software:
joy2key - joy2key uses x events to send output, if you'd prefer this instead of uinput look at joy2key http://interreality.org/~tetron/technology/joy2key/

joymouse - translates joystick events to mouse events. http://sourceforge.net/projects/joymouse-linux

mxk - an input evdev/uinput mangling server, http://welz.org.za/projects/mxk


5 Apr 08: added support for mapping what joystick button maps to internal program buttons
25 Apr 08: Config file support is mostly done now, multiple modes can be defined.
4 May 08: Simple config file support completed, button repeat support should work for simple buttons
18 Sept 08: added coments to config file and readme to make initial configs easier
04 Apr 09: cleaned up all gcc warnings and extracted header information into joy2chord.h