
Kotlin DSL for WireMock

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kotlin DSL for WireMock

Maven Central GitHub Workflow Status (with event) codecov

This is library provides handy kotlin dsl for WireMock stubbing. Read more about WireMock and Kotlin here.

Getting started






  • Request Matching

    • Http methods (post/get/put/delete/patch/options/head/trace/any)
      wiremock.post {
          url equalTo "/users/1"
      } returnsJson {
        body = """
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Bob"
    • JSON body - with strong type checking of json value
      wiremock.post {
          body contains "id" equalTo 1
          body contains "name" like "Alice"
          body contains "isAdmin" equalTo true
          body contains "points" equalTo 3.0
          body contains "lastName" // just checking if key exists
    • Headers
      wiremock.post {
          headers contains "User-Agent" like "Firefox.*" 
    • Query parameters
      wiremock.post {
          urlPath equalTo "/users/1"
          queryParams contains "page" like "1.*" 
    • Priority
      wiremock.post {
          url equalTo "/test"
          priority = 2
      } returnsJson  {
          statusCode = 403
      wiremock.post {
          url equalTo "/test"
          headers contains "Authorization"
          priority = 1
      } returnsJson  {
          statusCode = 200
    • Cookies
  • Response specification

    • Returns
      wiremock.get {
          url equalTo "/users/1"
      } returns {
          statusCode = 200
          header = "Content-Type" to "application/json"
          body = """
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Bob"
    • Or easier returnsJson
      wiremock.get {
          url equalTo "/users/1"
      } returnsJson {
          body = """
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Bob"
    • Delays
      wiremock.post {
          url equalTo "/users"
      } returnsJson {
          delay fixedMs 100
          //or gaussian distribution
          delay medianMs 100 sigma 0.1
  • Chaining

     val bobResponse: SpecifyResponse = {
         body = """
               "id": 1,
               "name": "Bob"
     wiremock.post {
         url equalTo "/users"
     } and {
         body contains "id" equalTo 1
     } and {
         body contains "isAdmin" equalTo true
     } returns {
         header = "Content-Type" to "application/json"
     } and bobResponse and {
         statusCode = 201
  • Scenarios - stateful behaviour

     wiremock.post {
         url equalTo "/users"
     } returnsJson bobResponse and {
         toState = "Alice"
     wiremock.post {
         url equalTo "/users"
         whenState = "Alice"
     } returnsJson aliceResponse and {
         clearState = true
  • Verification api

     wm.verify {
        headers contains "User-Agent" equalTo "curl"
        queryParams contains "filter" equalTo "true"
        cookies contains "cookieKey" equalTo "cookieValue"
        body contains "pet" equalTo "dog"
    wm.verify {
      urlPath equalTo "/users/1"
      exactly = 1
    } moreThan 2 //lessThan lessThanOrEqual  moreThanOrEqual
    //atLeast atMost
    wm.verify {
      urlPath equalTo "/users/1"
      atLeast = 1
      atMost = 3
  • WiremMckTest Junit5 extension

    class Junit5RegisterExtensionTest {
        var wm = WireMockExtension.newInstance()
        fun testGet() {
            wm.get {
                url equalTo "/hello"
            } returns {
                statusCode = 200
            When {
            } Then {

More examples


The Library is compatible with WireMock - 2.8.0 and higher

Release notes

Version Notes
2.0.2 Supports WireMock 3.0.0 and Jetty 11
2.0.0 Breaking change for verification DSL - changed api for specifying counting
1.1.0 Introduced DSL for verfication API
1.0.5 In version 1.0.4 url argument (eg.url equalTo "/hello") was treated as a path and matches only a path of url, which was wrong and misleading, in version 1.0.5 it was fixed and new keyword urlPath was introduced for matching a path of url (eg.urlPath equalTo "/hello"). Note: url has precedence in case both are specified