
Simple command line tool to enumerate loaded WFP callout drivers

Primary LanguageC++


WFPCalloutExplorer is a specialized tool meticulously designed to identify currently loaded Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) callout filter drivers. It achieves this objective by scrutinizing whether these drivers import the vital FWPKCLNT!FwpsCalloutRegister function.


  • Visual Studio 2022.
  • Dependency on pe-parse. You can easily install it using vcpkg with the following commands:
vcpkg install pe-parse:x64-windows pe-parse:x86-windows pe-parse:arm64-windows pe-parse:x64-windows-static pe-parse:x86-windows-static pe-parse:arm64-windows-static


  1. Build the WFPCalloutExplorer project using Visual Studio 2022.
  2. Run the executable. The program will dynamically load the ntdll.dll, query system modules, and inspect each module to determine if it is a WFP callout filter driver.

Alternatively, precompiled binaries for x86, x64, and arm64 platforms are available in the Releases section of this repository.


  • Dynamically retrieves system modules using the NtQuerySystemInformation function.
  • Translates the path of system modules to ensure correct file paths.
  • Parses the PE headers of modules to identify if they link against the FWPKCLNT.SYS library and import the FwpsCalloutRegister function.


The program outputs the names of drivers that are highly likely to be WFP callout filters based on their imports.