
Script to determine the current song playing on Colorado radio station Indie 102.3 and tweet to @oaplaylist account

Primary LanguagePython


Script to determine the current song playing on Colorado radio station Indie 102.3 and tweet to @oaplaylist account.

This is completely unoffical and in no way sanctioned by Colorado Public Radio or Indie 102.3. I'm just piggybacking on their webpage APIs. (I hope they don't mind.) They're a good station full of great people. So you should listen to them here: https://www.cpr.org/indie/

This script will poll the playlist API for radio station Indie 102.3 in Colorado, https://www.cpr.org/indie/ every 15 seconds to get the latest song playing.

When the song changes, it will tweet it the Twitter account @oaplaylist, https://twitter.com/oaplaylist


Rename "config_sample.py" to "config.py" and add your Twitter account information to post to your Twitter account. Also specify the location on your server for some working files.

Running the script

Setup a cron job to run the script every minute. Configure the script for how many times per minute it should check the API.


This script is written for Python 3.x.

It relies on the following modules: coverpy, requests, tweepy, datetime, time, sys, pillow.

April Fools' Day Easter Egg

This script also checks to see if the date is 1-Apr, and it gives a hook to modify the tweet accordingly. Currently, it adds the text " & GWAR" to the band name and superimposes and image of GWAR on top of the album cover. Some people find this humorous. Samples can be found here: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Aoaplaylist%20since%3A2021-04-01%20until%3A2021-04-02&src=typed_query&f=live


