
Lahman Baseball database in Snowflake

Primary LanguagePython

An attempt to make a Snowflake version of Lahman Baseball database

I tried starting with the R package https://github.com/cdalzell/Lahman but R seems to have a bizarre and unnatural cultural approach to NULL values. So I switched to trying to covert the MySQL version https://github.com/WebucatorTraining/lahman-baseball-mysql to Snowflake as I thought it might be easier.

In Snowflake:

  1. Create your LAHMAN database.
  2. Create tables using lahman_snowflake_table_definitions.sql.
  3. Create a File Format based on the lahman_data_file_import_format.sql. I created the format in the GUI, so this SQL may not work out-of-the-box. This is a key step because you're telling Snowflake how to handle the variations in the CSV. In this case: comma separated, single quotes around strings, NULL values are NULL, etc.
  4. Load data in each file in output_csv into the corresponding table using the file format you just created.
  5. Note that I haven't actually tried to work with this data -- I just loaded it. So there may be data quality or load issues that I haven't discovered, yet.

MySQL to Snowflake conversion notes:

  • Remove the backticks around table names so they become case-insensitive. This makes the DB less fussy to deal with.
  • Changed "2B" and "3B" column names to "TwoB" and "ThreeB" respectively. See above comment on fussiness.
  • Remove display widths (the (11) in int(11)) from numbers. Snowflake doesn't use display widths.
  • AUTO_INCREMENT becomes AUTOINCREMENT because we need to lock people into open platforms somehow.
  • Remove any UNIQUE KEY and KEY statements. PRIMARY KEY worked out of the box. I'm just punting on the rest to get the data in. We can tune later.
  • Remove any CONSTRAINT statements.


make_it_snow_data.py is a python hack that converts the Lahman SQL into CSV. This allowed me to load it using the Snowflake GUI's "Load Data..." functionality.

Load File Settings (CSV characteristics):

  • Comma Delimited
  • Line ends \n
  • No header row
  • Fields optionally encolosed by single quotes
  • Escape character: \ (this will get you if you forget it)
  • NULL indicator: NULL