
Server-side application for garageoPIner

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Server-side application for garageoPIner. Running this application on a raspberry pi allows you to control your garage doors(up to 2) with your smartphone. All you need is a relay and a few wires.

Things that need to be installed on your RPI

For installing all the things you need on your raspberry pi, run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-dev

sudo apt-get install python-pip

sudo pip install rpi.gpio Flask configparser

How to run the server side

Download this project.
wget https://github.com/wirthual/garageoPIner-server/archive/twoGarageDoors.zip
Unzip downloaded folder:
unzip twoGarageDoors.zip
Switch to the unziped folder where you find the file: garageoPIner.py
cd garageoPIner-server-twoGarageDoors/
Change the config

Edit garageoPIner.config for your needs:

port = 80 # port garageoPIner is running on
pin1 = 4  # pin for toggle door1
pin2 = 17 # pin for toggle door2

username = admin # username for authentication on webpage and app
password = garageopiner # password for authentication on webpage and app
Run the application
python garageoPIner.py &

Thats it :)

Now you can see the web-interface on http://ipaddressofrpi:80

An android client you find here: https://github.com/wirthual/garageoPIner-androidApp