PomoTask: A Trello-inspired Project Management App with Built-In Productivity Tools

Table of Contents

Project Overview

PomoTask is a web-based project management application inspired by Trello. It offers a user-friendly interface for creating and managing tasks, similar to Trello's board and card system. TaskMeister goes beyond basic task management by incorporating a built-in Pomodoro timer to enhance productivity and focus.


  • Trello-like Board and Card System: Create boards, lists (columns), and cards (tasks) to organize your projects visually.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Effortlessly move cards between lists to reflect your workflow.
  • Task Details: Add descriptions, deadlines, and labels to cards for better task clarity.
  • Pomodoro Timer Integration: Utilize the built-in Pomodoro timer to implement the Pomodoro Technique for focused work sessions and improved productivity.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Express.js (Node.js framework)
  • Frontend: React (JavaScript library)
  • Material UI (MUI): React component library for a user-friendly interface

Project Structure

The project is divided into two main parts: backend and frontend.

Backend (Express.js)


  1. Navigate to the project's root directory in your terminal.
  2. Run npm install to install the required dependencies for the backend.


Express.js defines routes to handle different API requests. These routes will handle actions like creating boards, lists, and cards, retrieving existing data, updating task details, and potentially interacting with a database.

Data Model

The backend will likely define a data model to represent boards, lists, and cards. This model can be implemented in various ways, such as using a simple JavaScript object structure or by integrating with a database like MongoDB.

Error Handling

A robust error handling mechanism is crucial for the backend. Implement proper error handling to gracefully manage invalid requests, missing data, and database issues (if applicable).

Frontend (React and MUI)


  1. Navigate to the /frontend directory in your terminal.
  2. Run npm install to install the required dependencies for the React frontend, including React itself and MUI components.


The frontend will be built using reusable React components. These components will represent various UI elements like boards, lists, cards, the Pomodoro timer, and any additional features you choose to implement.

State Management

React applications often utilize state management libraries like Redux or Context API to manage application state effectively. This ensures data consistency across components and facilitates updates throughout the UI.

User Interface

MUI provides a rich set of pre-built React components that adhere to Material Design principles. Leverage MUI components to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for TaskMeister.

Pomodoro Timer Functionality

Integrate a Pomodoro timer functionality into your application. This could involve creating a dedicated component with features like:

  • Setting the work and break durations based on the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes work, 5 minutes break).
  • Displaying a timer that counts down during work sessions.
  • Implementing a visual indicator for the current state (work or break).
  • Allowing users to start, pause, and reset the timer.

Additional Features (Optional)

Consider incorporating additional functionalities to enhance TaskMeister's capabilities:

  • File Attachments: Enable users to attach files (e.g., documents, images) to cards for reference.
  • Comments: Allow users to add comments to cards for discussions and collaboration.
  • Notifications: Implement notifications to alert users about deadlines, task updates, or mentions in comments.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Explore integrating TaskMeister with third-party services like

Deployment Instructions


Before deploying the TaskMeister application, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js installed on your server.
  • A database (if applicable) configured and accessible by the backend server.
  • Access to a hosting service or server where you can deploy the backend and frontend.

Backend Deployment

  1. Build the Backend:

    • Navigate to the /backend directory of your project.
    • Run npm install to install all the required dependencies.
    • If your backend relies on environment variables, make sure to set them appropriately. You may use a .env file or configure environment variables on your server.
    • Optionally, configure the database connection settings in config.js or a separate configuration file.
    • Run npm start or npm run start:prod to start the Express.js server in production mode.
  2. Expose the Backend API:

    • Ensure that your backend server is accessible via a public URL or IP address. You may need to configure firewall rules or network settings to allow incoming connections on the appropriate port (usually port 80 or 443 for HTTP/HTTPS).
  3. Set up SSL (Optional):

    • If you're deploying to a production environment and require HTTPS, obtain an SSL certificate and configure your server to use it. You can use Let's Encrypt for free SSL certificates.

Frontend Deployment

  1. Build the Frontend:

    • Navigate to the /frontend directory of your project.
    • Run npm install to install all the required dependencies.
    • If your frontend relies on environment variables (e.g., API URLs), make sure they are properly configured for the production environment.
    • Run npm run build to build the React application for production. This will generate optimized static files in the /build directory.
  2. Serve the Frontend Files:

    • Once the build process is complete, you'll have a set of static files in the /build directory.
    • Copy these static files to a location accessible by your web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx).
    • Configure your web server to serve these static files. If you're using Nginx, you can create a new server block and specify the root directory as the /build directory.

Following these deployment instructions should help you successfully deploy the TaskMeister application to a production environment. Make sure to adapt the steps based on your specific hosting environment and requirements.