Pinned Repositories
Using stepwise selection, to determine which demographic and clinical data might predict survival of liver cancer patients and then to develop a machine learning model using the results from stepwise selection; Skills Used: Exploratory Analysis, Machine Learning, Stepwise Selection
Recipes from the book Joy of Cooking were used to analyze methods of counting calories and data distribution was used to determine if bias exists in Wansink's analysis of the data; Skills Used: Data Cleaning, Data Retrieval, Text Parsing, Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis to determine if typing behaviors change as users become accustomed to typing a password, a method which can be applied to user authentication when logging into a website; Skills Used: Exploratory Analysis, Statistical Modelling, Variable Importance
To predict the letter/number of a given handwritten alphanumeric character using pixel data; Skills Used: Neural Networks, SVM, kNN, Cluster Analysis, Exploratory Analysis
To determine which machine learning model produces the lowest error rate and then to use feature analysis to determine which features are most influential in the accuracy of the Zillow Zestimate algorithm; Skills Used: Exploratory Analysis, Machine Learning Algorithms, Feature Analysis
wisamb's Repositories
Using stepwise selection, to determine which demographic and clinical data might predict survival of liver cancer patients and then to develop a machine learning model using the results from stepwise selection; Skills Used: Exploratory Analysis, Machine Learning, Stepwise Selection
Recipes from the book Joy of Cooking were used to analyze methods of counting calories and data distribution was used to determine if bias exists in Wansink's analysis of the data; Skills Used: Data Cleaning, Data Retrieval, Text Parsing, Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis to determine if typing behaviors change as users become accustomed to typing a password, a method which can be applied to user authentication when logging into a website; Skills Used: Exploratory Analysis, Statistical Modelling, Variable Importance
To predict the letter/number of a given handwritten alphanumeric character using pixel data; Skills Used: Neural Networks, SVM, kNN, Cluster Analysis, Exploratory Analysis
To determine which machine learning model produces the lowest error rate and then to use feature analysis to determine which features are most influential in the accuracy of the Zillow Zestimate algorithm; Skills Used: Exploratory Analysis, Machine Learning Algorithms, Feature Analysis