
An Angular 2 starter project that uses ES6.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular 2 Starter

The goal of this starter app is to provide a simple way to get started with Angular 2 while also showing key Angular 2 features. The sample relies on System.js to load ES6 modules.

Simply clone the project or download and extract the .zip to get started.

Angular 2 Concepts Covered

  • ES6 Version of the Application
  • TypeScript version coming soon
  • ES6 Module loading with System.js
  • Defining routes and using router-outlet (router-link currently isn't working so only 1 view is shown for now)
  • Building Custom Pipes
  • Using Custom Components
  • Using Custom Directives
  • Defining Properties and Using Events in Components/Directives
  • Using the Http object for Ajax calls
  • Working with Utility classes (such as for sorting)
  • Using the New Databinding Syntax [] and ()


  1. Install global dependencies if necessary

     npm install -g gulp-cli superstatic
  2. Install node packages:

     npm install
  3. Start the server

  4. Open a browser and navigate to the site/port shown by Superstatic. The server runs the ES6 version of the application by default.