This test is about speed and following instructions, not accuracy .

  • Create a GIT branch as your name to push to when complete. Time limit is 5 minutes.

  • Clone the repo

  • Write all your code on the index.html do not add more files.

Do these 2 tasks

  • CSS : Turn the square div into a TRIANGLE - doesnt matter how big or small or which way it faces, it just needs to be a TRIANGLE with a BLACK background.

  • JQUERY TEST : Type into the text field, when you click the button, write the value of the text field to the #response div. You can write this in pure JS/ES6 if you like.

When finished

  • Push your branch to GITHUB.

Before & after

This is how it looks before screen shot 2017-04-12 at 10 22 14 am

The final result shud be something like this. screen shot 2017-04-12 at 10 21 28 am