
An email kit for golang to be reused across different projects.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


An email kit for golang to be reused across different projects.


Mailit is an easy to use mail library to send emails.


Mailit supports:

  • Plain text emails
  • Text / HTML template based emails
  • Attachments
  • Sending emails to multiple recipients


  • Go 1.5



We also recommend you use the how to guide on this page because Mailit does basically two things:

  • Send Plain Text Emails
  • Send Template Based Emails

How To Use Mailit

Feel free to copy and paste the codes

  • Step 1: Initialize a mailer variable and pass in SMTP configs.

    Note: This is usually done just once

        smtpConf := mailit.SMTPConfig{
            Host:     "domain.com",
            Port:     563,
            Username: "username@domain.com",
            Password: "*********",
        mailer := mailit.NewMailer(smtpConf)
  • Step 2: Send email

    Sending plain text email
        textDep := mailit.TextDependencies{
            From:        "sender@domain.com",
            To:          []string{"user1@domain.com", "user2@domain.com", "user3@domain.com"},
            Subject:     "Welcome to Mailit",
            Body:        "Message Body",
            Attachments: []string{"attachments/1.txt", "attachments/2.txt"},
        err := mailer.SendText(textDep)

    Sending HTML template email
        tempDep := mailit.TemplateDependencies{
            From:        "sender@domain.com",
            To:          []string{"user1@domain.com", "user2@domain.com", "user3@domain.com"},
            Subject:     "Welcome to Mailit",
            ContentType: "text/html",
            Template: "templates/welcome.html",
            TemplateData: "Any data",
            Attachments: []string{"attachments/1.txt", "attachments/2.txt"},
        err := mailer.SendTemplate(tempDep)

    Sending Text template email
        tempDep := mailit.TemplateDependencies{
            From:        "sender@domain.com",
            To:          []string{"user1@domain.com", "user2@domain.com", "user3@domain.com"},
            Subject:     "Welcome to Mailit",
            ContentType: "text/plain",
            Template: "templates/sample.txt",
            TemplateData: struct{
                Name, Email string
                Name: "Wisdom Matt",
                Email: "user@example.com",
            Attachments: []string{"attachments/1.txt", "attachments/2.txt"},
        err := mailer.SendTemplate(tempDep)

NOTE: You will access the template data the way it is access usually in Go templates e.g {{ .Name }} or {{ .Email }}



This package uses manual testing because the gomail package which it depends on used core types instead of interfaces which in turn makes it difficult to test, a thorough test is done before any changed is made on the project so there is nothing to be scared of.



Author / Contact

Wisdom Matthew - github.com/wisdommatt

Feel free to email me at talk2wisdommatt@gmail.com