
A library used for data exchange between web and android

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This library is used for creating the Http Connections between andoroid app and webserver. The methods are simple to use especially created for the newbie in android.


This library is created by Falcon and Wisdomrider On March 22.


The methods that needs to be call for getting the response are much more easier and newbie can also easily connect their app to the webservers for data exchange.


First go to your root build.gradle then add this at the end of property
	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then goto your dependency and add this one

compile 'com.github.wisdomrider:Faldom:0.0.2'


For simple get request

        Faldom.Builder(this) //pass the context
                .setUrl("https://api.com/get") //set url
                .setMethodAsGet() //or you can leave it too the deafult is get
                .after(new Action() { //things to do when we get response
                    public void onSuccess(String response) {
                        //handle your response

                    public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {
                        //handle your errors here

For simple Post Request

        Faldom.Builder(this) //pass the context
              .setUrl("https://api.com/get") //set url
              .after(new Action() { //things to do when we get response
                  public void onSuccess(String response) {
                      //handle your response

                  public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {
                      //handle your errors here

For passing params

        Faldom.Builder(this) //pass the context
                .addParam("username","wisdomrider") //sending parameters
                .setUrl("https://api.com/get") //set url
                .after(new Action() { //things to do when we get response
                    public void onSuccess(String response) {
                        //handle your response

                    public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {
                        //handle your errors here

For passing headers


        Faldom.Builder(this) //pass the context
                .addHeader("security","skjadhkashdash") //adding headers
                .addParam("username","wisdomrider") //sending parameters
                .setUrl("https://api.com/get") //set url
                .after(new Action() { //things to do when we get response
                    public void onSuccess(String response) {
                        //handle your response

                    public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {
                        //handle your errors here

Managing errors

  Faldom.Builder(this) //pass the context
                .addHeader("security","skjadhkashdash") //adding headers
                .addParam("username","wisdomrider") //sending parameters
                .setUrl("https://api.com/get") //set url
                .after(new Action() { //things to do when we get response
                    public void onSuccess(String response) {
                        //handle your response

                    public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {
                  faldomError.getMessage() --for error message
                .getMessage() -- you can get the error message
                faldomError.getLocalizedMessage() -- you can get localized message

METHODS (Compulsary methods are indicated by /////////////COMPULSARY )

.Builder(this) --- you have to pass context here (Compulsary) --- for passing context to Faldom /////////////COMPULSARY
    .addHeader("headername","header value") ---for passing headers if necessary (Optional)
.addParams("paramsname","params key") --- for passing the datas in the form of get and post (Optional)
  .setParams(new Hashmap<String,String>) ---if you want to pass whole params once using hashmap (Optional)
  .setMethodAsPost() -- for making request as Post (Optional)

.setMethodAsGet() -- for making get (Optional) -- By default it is get
    .setMethod(0) -- for making method 0 for get and 1 for post (Optional)
     .setUrl("https://api.com") -- url that you are sending request to  (compulsary)   /////////////COMPULSARY
.after(new Action() {        ---for doing things when you get response for server (Compulsary)   /////////////COMPULSARY
                    public void onSuccess(String s) {

                    public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {


	            .setAction(new Action() { --same as the above one (Optional)
                    public void onSuccess(String s) {

                    public void onError(FaldomError faldomError) {


            .get()  -- for sending get requests without Defining up (Optional)
            .post() -- for sending post requests without defining up (Optional)
            .request() -- for sending requst to the server (Compulsary)  /////////////COMPULSARY

Thanks to

volley libary android (since this library is based on it )